Issn 2072-0297 Молодой учёный Международный научный журнал Выходит еженедельно №2 (188) / 2018 р е д а к ц и о н н а я к о л л е г и я : Главный редактор

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“Young Scientist”   # 2 (188)   January 2018

Economics and Management

Э КО Н О М И КА   И   У П РА В Л Е Н И Е

Financial and intellectual contribution of foreign students to the economy of some 

powerful countries and the benefits of practicing open door policy towards 

international students

Abdulloev Saidjon Ashuralievich, student

Kazan Federal University

This article will discuss the importance of practicing open doors policy towards International students and the bene-

fits of it. Further, it discusses the financial and intellectual contribution of international students to the economy and de-

velopment of The United States of America and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Moreover, it discusses China»s 

success on attracting International students to Chinese higher institutions in the past few years.

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