Part of body or system
Intensity changes
The organs of sight
The organ of hearing
Organs of digestion
Heart-vascular system
Nervous system
Urogenital system
Conclusion. To draw the conclusion, we can say that every intelligent student knows the need to lead a
healthy lifestyle. Every intelligent student knows the necessity to lead a healthy life. It is important to take a wide
range of activities. Therefore, if a student has problems with health, he should contact the clinic, they guarantee
the people free of charge medical assistance. Some medical establishments charge fees for treatment. They may be
rather high, but our medical service now uses all modern equipment and medicines and provides qualified medical
help to all people. Following these simple rules regularly is the only way to promote our health[6,7].
Специальный выпуск журнала «Медицина и экология», 2015
1. Двойнишникова, М.А. Социально-гигиенические и социально-психологические аспекты оптимизации
системы подготовки студентов к медицинской деятельности в условиях ВУЗа : дис. канд. мед. наук: 14.00.33
/ Двойнишникова Марина Александровна. – Иваново, 2006. – 168 с.
2. Добрынина, В.Н. Особенности и тенденции развития массового сознания студенчества (мегаполис, средний
и малый города) / В.Н. Добрынина // Alma mater. – 2003. – № 5. – С. 36-40.
3. Здоровье и качество жизни : учебное пособие / С.Г. Плещиц [и др.] ; подред. С.Г. Плещица. – СПб. : Изд-во
СПбГУЭФ, 2011. – 239 с.
4. Проблемы формирования здорового образа жизни у учащихся в образовательных учреждениях /В.Р. Кучма,
И.А. Демина, А.К. Демин [и др.] // Гигиена и санитария. – 2000. – № 3. – С. 52–56.
5. Решетников, А.В. Здоровье как предмет изучения в социологии медицины /А.В. Решетников,
О.А. Шаповалова. – М.: Гэотар-Медиа, 2008. – 64 с.
6. Factors associated with self-rated health status in university students: a crosssectional study in three European
countries / R.T. Mikolajczyk [et al.] // BMC Public Health. – 2008. – № 8. – 10 p. – Режим доступа: http://www.
7. Meditation lowers stress and supports forgiveness among college students: a randomized controlled trial / D. Oman
[et al.] // Journal of American College Health. – 2008. – № 56 (5). – P. 569–578.
Y. S. Malevanaya, D. B. Kulov
Karaganda state medical university
The article is devoted to the problem of preservation of students’ health at university. It is defined that on stu-
dents’ health have influence such reasons as surplus nerve emotional tensity, everyday stress, overload, irrational meals. Presented
indicator of the intensity of symptoms in the organs associated with the start of study at university .
Keywords: health, students, medical student, lifestyle, adverse factors.
UTC 612.76
A. Rodina-Theocharaki, Zh. Bliznakov, N. Pallikarakis
University of Patras, Patras, Greece
The Biomedical Engineering (BME) is one of the most important and fastest growing multidisciplinary fields
with direct consequences on the health care sector and therefore the society in general. Partly due to the ageing
population and the related needs, there is an increasing awareness of the importance of health and its impact on the
human productive life. Nowadays, Biomedical Engineers must be prepared to meet existing and advanced develop-
ments in the field by means of knowledge, skills and attitudes that address the demands of the work environment in
the broader health care related sector all over the world. This involves academia, medical industry, hospital facilities,
and administration, and imposes new challenges for advanced education in the field.
Development of Biomedical Engineering education in a European collaboration context
More than 25 year ago, in 1989, within one of the first pilot projects in European collaboration in higher ed-
ucation, the Erasmus graduate program under the name “European Biomedical Engineering Postgraduate Program”
was established. The program was officially implemented in Greece, according to the Law on Postgraduate Studies, in
collaboration with 25 European Universities and lasts until today. The framework of the LLP/Erasmus program and the
Bilateral Agreements signed, have allowed the mobility of several hundreds of students and numerous distinguished
academics. Every year the expertise of multinational academic community addressed a respective multinational au-
dience, presenting an enormous potential for achievements through the extensive collaboration, which is continued
by the Program graduates, who have been grown into a new generation of academics with the extraordinary multi-
national education and cooperation background.
The curriculum of the Program and the detailed topics content were based on the expertise of the involved
Universities. Since 1993, the BME program implemented a Quality System, in order to ensure that educational ob-
jectives are achieved. Through evaluation sheets, distributed to and filled in by both students and teachers, critical
parameters of the education process (such as competence and skills of the teaching staff, adequacy of available
Специальный выпуск журнала «Медицина и экология», 2015
facilities and performance of students) were evaluated. In 1996, the structure of the Program was reformed in com-
pliance with the recommendations of the European Project TEMPERE “Training and Education for Medical Physics
and Engineering Reform in Europe”. The project made it possible to clarify and reach common understanding on the
principles concerning Accreditation and Quality Assurance and establish general framework for mutual collaboration
and recognition in the field of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in Europe [1]. The Consortium consisted of
35 European Universities, the Department of Medical Physics of the University of Patras being the Project Coordinator.
Several years later, in 2009, the University of Patras, represented by the Interuniversity Postgraduate Program
on BME, coordinated the TEMPUS IV CRH-BME “Curricula Reformation and Harmonisation in the field of Biomedical
Engineering” Project, that provided a comprehensive framework for harmonized, state of the art, studies in BME in
Europe, resulting in generic programs for graduate and postgraduate studies. As a part of the CRH-BME Project
[2], a survey of over 300 BME programs was carried out to evaluate the status and future needs in BME educa-
tion. The survey revealed that this educational sector is booming. At the time of completion of the project there were
at least 150 Universities in 40 countries in Europe offering in total 310 BME study programs: 85 BSc, 160 MSc and
65 PhD. Half of these programs have been created during the last 10 years and the numbers are steadily increasing.
The results also have shown that 1st and 2nd cycle (MSc level) programs are the predominant form of BME
education, (~30% BSc, ~50% MSc, ~20% PhD). This can be well explained by the fact that biomedical engineer is a
cross-trained engineer specialized in biomedical application areas, and therefore students from the pool of graduates
of “classical” engineering disciplines (such as electrical and mechanical) or physical sciences are enrolled.
The high demand of the BME as a profession has been also shown by the US Dept. of Labor, which in a recent
study, has predicted that the BME profession will be among the “hottest” jobs by the end of this decade, with large
added value in products and services. Actually, it is stated that “biomedical engineers are projected to be the fastest
growing occupation in the economy” [4]. Therefore, it is obvious that countries that will not invest in BME education
will be unable not only to develop but also to even use efficiently existing and forthcoming health care technologies.
Upon the results of the CRH-BME project, the TEMPUS IV BME-ENA “Biomedical Engineering Education Tem-
pus Initiative in Eastern Neighbouring Area” has started in 2013, coordinated by the University of Patras. The project
is aiming to promote BME Education in four Eastern Neighbouring Area (ENA) countries, throughout the creation of
new joint multidisciplinary (at least one Medical and one Technical university involved) MSc programs in BME in line
with the European policy and the most recent developments and demands in the field. The BME education at univer-
sity level in the ENA countries is presently still not adequately adapted to face the advancement and developments
in the field. At the same time, there is a shortage and an increasing demand for BME specialists in the healthcare
domain following the current international trends. Till present, the project has been under implementation for 20
months. Technical and Medical universities from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in collaboration with 7 EU
universities have done great efforts in order to achieve the project goal and establish Joint MSc programs in BME.
According to the schedule several activities have been already finalized by the partners. The curricula were elaborat-
ed according to CRH-BME project recommendations, identified needs and available in the countries expertise and the
work on syllabi has been completed. The students have been enrolled and programs have started in September-Oc-
tober 2015. The preparation of common educational and teaching materials is currently under development. The
emphasis has been given to perform this activity as a joint collaboration between EU and ENA partners. The BME-ENA
project is aiming to give opportunity to Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine to be able to face the challenges of
BME through capacity and institutional building measures.
The Joint multidisciplinary BME programs has become a model in applying the European Higher Education
Area policy, state-of-the-art educational approaches, use of ECTS and extensive bilateral collaboration agreements
between different Universities. Within the European framework of Programs in higher education, the biomedical engi-
neering has been given the opportunity to enlarge its horizons and extend the activities beyond the national borders
through the creation of new international collaborations in the field.
The BME-ENA “Biomedical Engineering Education Tempus Initiative in Eastern Neighbouring Area”, Project
Number: 543904-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-GR-TEMPUS-JPCR is a Joint Project within the TEMPUS IV program and is 90%
financed by the Commission of the European Communities. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and
the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
1. Kolitzi Z, Towards a European Framework for Education and Training in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering,
IOS Press, 2001, ISBN: 1 58603 151 1
2. Pallikarakis N, Bliznakov Z, Miklavcic D, Jarm T, Magjarevic R, Lackovic I, Pecchia L, Stagni R, Jobaggy A, Barbenel
J. Promoting Harmonization of BME Education in Europe: The CRH-BME Tempus Project, 33rd Annual International
Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2011), 30 Aug - 03 Sep 2011, Boston
3. TEMPUS IV CRH-BME project,
4. The Wall Street Journal “What Will Be the Hot Jobs of 2018?”, May 26, 2010,
Специальный выпуск журнала «Медицина и экология», 2015
A. Rodina-Theocharaki, Zh. Bliznakov, N. Pallikarakis
University of Patras, Patras, Greece
The authors made a conclusion, that the joint multidisciplinary BME programs has become a model in applying the Europe-
an Higher Education Area policy, state-of-the-art educational approaches, use of ECTS and extensive bilateral collaboration agree-
ments between different Universities. Within the European framework of Programs in higher education, the biomedical engineering
has been given the opportunity to enlarge its horizons and extend the activities beyond the national borders through the creation
of new international collaborations in the field.
Key words: biomedical engineering, European Higher Education Area, higher education, international collaborations
УДК 615.8
N. Sheveleva, L. Minbayeva
Karaganda State Medical University
Chronic pains in knee joints during walking and physical activity [16], as well as its functional inconsistency
are the most common symptoms of knee osteoarthritis. The frequency of osteoarthritis occurrence increases with
the age [5] and achieves 10-12% among all articular pathology [2,5,11]. According to the World Health Organization
(WHO), osteoarthritis of knee joint takes the 4
place in cause of disability in women and 8
in men [5]. Nowadays
knee joint osteoarthritis occurs more frequently in young people of working age, including engaged in physical culture
and sports [1,14]. 30% of the population aged 25 to 74 years has radiologically confirmed signs of degenerative
diseases of at least one joint group [5], where 30% are knee osteoarthritis [11]. Progressive course and limitation of
the affected joints functional activity significantly impairs the quality of life for persons, suffering with osteoarthritis.
It results in significant social and economic losses in society [5,11].
The number of
surgical interventions on the affected with osteoarthritis knee joints
has been
every year
]. This may indicate an insufficient efficacy of conservative treatment in early stages of the
disease and facilitate the number of advanced cases increase.
Surgery is an effective and radical method of treatment
but suitable only for the final stages of the process. According to the Osteoarthritis Research Society International
guidelines (2008) there are pharmacological and non-pharmacological components of osteoarthritis conservative
treatment which can be used at any stage of the disease.
However, despite the developed recommendations on
management of the mentioned above group of patients, the issue of bringing an effective and rapid relief of the main
clinical symptoms remains open.
Knee joint osteoarthritis is a polyetiological disease and joint imbalance is one of its main causes [4]. Changes
of knee joint biomechanics are caused by osteochondral structures lesion, as well as involvement of periarticular
tendon-muscular and ligamentous structures and places of their attachment in pathological process. Degenerative-
dystrophic changes in the knee joint result from its overload and micro-traumas. Weakness of periarticular muscles
reduces mechanisms of neuromuscular protective of the joint and increases its functional instability [12]. Changes of
knee joint biomechanics are accompanied by the involvement of antero-lateral thigh surface muscle of the affected
limb in pathological process. The trigger points that are forming contribute to reflexion of pain from the strained
muscles to the region of knee joint and cause increase of overall pain level [3] .
Rehabilitation of patients with knee osteoarthritis is a complex and significant task. The main therapeutic goals
of treatment is to improve the microcirculation in subchondral tissues, joints and ligaments apparatus, periarticular
muscles as well as stimulation of metabolic and slowing down of destructive processes. Inclusion of different methods
of physical therapy in complex rehabilitation programs of knee osteoarthritis allows to solve the listed above problems
shock-wave therapy (ESWT) is one of the perspective methods of modern physiotherapy,
used for conservative treatment of arthritis. It forms a background for creation of alternative to surgical treatment
in degenerative joint injury.
ESWT method is based on transformation of electro-magnetic oscillations into acoustic waves of infrasound
range. Shock (acoustic) wave is a high energy wave, causes the formation of thermal and chemical effects in
tissues. That causes the development of analgesia, activation of microcirculation and neoangiogenesis, stimulation
of reparation and regeneration processes, reducing the severity of fibro-sclerotic changes [8-10,15]. Numerous
international studies demonstrate high efficacy of ESWT, which is 77% on average (up to 92% for certain nosologies).
Специальный выпуск журнала «Медицина и экология», 2015
Given the above, the purpose of the study was to investigate the efficacy of extracorporeal shock-wave
therapy for knee osteoarthritis through the action on periarticular tendon-muscular and ligamentous structures.
42 patients were included into the research group with the 1-2 degree of knee osteoarthritis according to
Kellgren-Lawrence Grading Scale. The average age was 36±3.3 years. Duration of the disease since the moment of
clinical manifestation was 3.3±2.0 years. Leading complaints were: pain in knee joint (n=42) and hip muscles of the
affected limb (n=26), worsening at climbing up and down the stairs (n=42), restriction of flexion and extension in
knee joint of the affected leg (n=32) due to the severity of pain, stiffness in the involved joint (n=42). All patients
reported pain and discomfort in the affected knee joint occurred while walking for long distances.
For ESWT procedures the apparatus BTL-6000 SWT TOPLINE (BTL, UK) with mechanical (pneumatic) pulse
generation was used. The impact with the shock waves was divided into two stages. In the first stage, trigger
points along the muscle-tendon array on the front and rear surfaces of thigh and tibia of the affected limb had been
diagnosed (method of biofeedback). The commonly used type of triggers diagnostics is manual method which
allows revealing superficial trigger points. It is rather difficult to diagnose deep trigger points with this method
though. During comparative assessment of triggers search by manual method and with shock-wave applicator using
it was revealed that the number of diagnosed with shock waves points on identical areas was 37% more. So, shock-
wave diagnostics procedure was performed before each session of ESWT by a labile technique with parameters of
influence 1 Hz and 2.0 Bar. In the second stage, after the shock-wave diagnostics procedure, the impact on previously
diagnosed trigger points with increasing frequency (up to 12-18 Hz) and increasing pressure (from 2.0 Bar to 3.5 Bar)
had been performed. Number of pulses was 300-500 per point. Total number of pulses for a single procedure did
not exceed 3000. Number of procedures was 3 to 6 (according to improving of main clinical symptoms) with 3 days
intervals. Parameters of ESWT procedures (applied energy) were changed in accordance with patients’ individual
pain thresholds. To minimize the loss of shock-wave energy, contact gel was used. The regime of physical activity
limitation was recommended for patients immediately after treatment.
The ESWT procedures were performed as a monotherapy. To the moment of inclusion in the research 28
patients (67%) had received conventional treatment of osteoarthritis and 14 patients (33%) were treated for the first
time. The break between conventional methods of therapy and ESWT was not less than 1 month.
To analyze ESWT efficacy, the functional state of knee joints was evaluated by summary Lequesne algofunctional
index, measured before the course treatment and at the end of course. Regression of index values at the end of
the course by 50% and more was estimated as significant improvement, 50-25% - as moderate, less than 25% - as
absence of dynamics. Assessment of pain dynamics was carried out by 100mm Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Reducing
of pain level according to the VAS for 50% and more was estimated as high efficacy, 25-50% - as average and less
than 25% - as absence of effect.
Trigger points had been detected along the iliac-tibial tract (the area of quadriceps muscle) and Achilles
tendon of the affected limb in 28 subjects (67%) with knee osteoarthritis as a result of diagnostic test at the first
stage of the study. Localization of trigger points along the Achilles tendon and the medial edge of gastrocnemius
muscle’s external head was revealed in 33% (14 patients). The impact with treatment purpose was carried out on the
pre-identified triggers in the second phase of the study. The analgesic effect on painful points during the first ESWT
procedure was observed, on average, after 400±100 pulses. At the end of the course it was after 60±40 pulses on
average. The number of trigger points was reduced on average by 84%.
According to VAS, pain syndrome decreased from 69±6 to 12±6 mm (p<0,05). The Lequesne algofunctional
index decreased from 8.26±0.8 to 3.06±0.5 (p<0,05), that was assessed as significant improvement.
Thus, ESWT had shown tendency to treat pain syndrome at knee osteoarthritis effectively.
Conclusion: Application of ESWT has a potential to promote regression of pain syndrome and improve knee
joint function. Noninvasiveness of the method, high analgesic activity, possibility of short-term (10-15 minutes)
procedures application in outpatient clinic 1-2 times a week, are the main advantages of shock-wave therapy in knee
osteoarthritis treatment.
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