Ж. И. Сардарова 1, Г. Н. Кисметова

Formation of readiness of future teachers

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Formation of readiness of future teachers
to use digital educational resources in the conditions
of digitalization of education
Today, preparing future teachers for the use of digital educational resources is the most pressing 
issue of Higher Education. They contribute to the effective organization of the educational process in ac-
cordance with the requirements of the modern information society, but also become a universal tool for 
the harmonious adaptation of students to a rapidly changing information society, training the personality 
of a competent specialist capable of professional self-realization. First of all, digital educational resources 
are ready-made interactive multimedia products aimed at achieving a didactic goal or solving certain 
educational tasks. Currently, the effectiveness of their use is not only to generate interest in the informa-
tion educational environment, but also to ensure the degree of access to information and improve the 
quality of Education.
Using digital educational resources, the authors independently develop the intellectual potential 
of students and increase the knowledge base.Using them creatively, we tried to find out whether it is 
possible to present the educational process in an interesting and informative way. The article provides a 

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comprehensive analysis of the theoretical and methodological literature, clarifies the following concepts 
and offers a definition: “digital educational resources “, « readiness of a future teacher to use digital edu-
cational resources”. In addition, during the practical experiment, a course program “digital educational 
resources-a tool for professional self – development” was developed, aimed at forming the assimilation 
of digital educational resources by future specialists as a tool for professional self-development. The re-
search uses theoretical, Emeric methods, the questionnaire “knowledge of digital educational resources» 
(in author’s processing), N.P. Fetiskin “diagnostics of the implementation of needs for professional self-
development”, N.R. Molochnikov “assessment of opportunities for self-development”. 82 students of 
Atyrau University took part in the experimental work
Key words: digitalization of education, digital educational resources, computer, multimedia, inter-
activity, accessibility.
Ж.И. Сардарова
, Г.Н. Кисметова
, Г.А. Турежанова
, Д.С. Саркулова
Казахский национальный педагогический университет им. Абая, Казахстан, г. Алматы 
АО Западно-Казахстанский университет имени М. Утемисова, Казахстан, г. Уральск 
*e-mail: sardar.Zh@mail.ru

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