Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical
Series «Historical and socio-political
№3(58), 2018
Periodic – 4 issues\year
Published since 2000
doctor of historical sciences
Editorial staff:
Koigeldiyev M.K. doctor of historical
sciences, professor
(editorial-in-chief’s assistant),
Ospanova R.R. candidate of historical
sciences, associate professor,
Dalaeva T.T. candidate of historical
sciences, associate professor,
(responsible secretary),
Abzhanov Kh.M. doctor of historical
sciences, professor,
Zhumagulov B.S. candidate of
historical sciences, professor,
Virginia Martin. professor, PhD
Claudia Chang professor, PhD (USA)
Kara Abdiyakap doctor of historical
sciences, professor (Turkey),
Osmonov O.D. doctor of historical
sciences, professor (Kirgistan),
Kozmenko B.M. doctor of historical
sciences, professor (Russian Federation),
Zhumagulov K.T. doctor of historical
sciences, professor,
Mayer M. doctor of historical sciences,
professor (Germany),
Nesipbayeva K.R. doctor of historical
sciences, professor,
Sokolov A.B. doctor of historical
sciences, professor (Russian Federation),
Tomokhiko Uyama doctor of historical
sciences (Japan),
Khodjaogly T. doctor of historical
sciences, professor (Turkey)
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical
University, 2018
Registered in the Ministry of culture and
information of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, May, 8, 2009
Signed for print 09.11.2018
Format 60х84 1/8.
Volume 51,75 уч.-изд.л.
Issue 300. order 423.
050010, Almaty
Abai KazNPU, 13 Dostyk av.
«Ulagat» publishing house
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical
Супиев Т.Т. Роль философии в формировании ноосферного
мировоззрения офицера-пограничника.............................................
Supiev T.T. The role of philosophy in the formation of the
noospheric worldview of a border guard officer...................................
Мырзатаева З.Б. Ащысай полиметалл комбинатының Хантағы
кен орны ХХ ғасырдың 30-40 жылдарында: тарихи
антропологиялық зерттеулер негізімен.............................................
Myrzatayeva Z. The Khantagi’s deposit of the Achysai polymetallic
combine in the 30-40 years of the XX century: the historical and
anthropological research........................................................................
Камзина Н., Оспанова А.Н., Нурбаев Ж.Е. К вопросу
социальной защиты трудовых мигрантов в странах ЕАЭС.............
Kamzina N., Ospanov A.N., Nurbayev J.E. To the question of
social protection of labor migrants in the United Kingdom Countries..
Оспанова А.Н., Орайхан А.Н. «Жұмсақ күш» саясаты Түркия
Ospanova A., Oraikhan A.N. The "soft power"policy on the
example of Turkey.................................................................................
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