Конспект лекций по дисциплине «История языка (англ.)» для студентов специальности «Иностранная филология»

The Economic and Social Structure of Society between the 5

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лекции История языка (английский язык) - 1 (2)

The Economic and Social Structure of Society between the 5th and 11th c.

That period was a transitional period from the tribal and slave-owning system to feudalism. The basic economic unit was the feudal manor. Tribal and clan division was superseded by townships and shires [ςaiez] (поместья), which had no connection with kinship. The growth of feudalism was accompanied by the rise of regional dialectal division replacing the tribal division.

The Introduction of Christianity

In that epoch Anglo-Saxon Britain was practically cut off of Europe, and Rome in particular. In 597 Pope Gregory ( папа Григорий I) sent missionaries to England to convert them to Christianity. Christianity also penetrated to England from Ireland, and less than a century practically all England was Christianized.

The formation of the OE Kingdoms

The Germanic tribes, conquered Britain, formed seven independent kingdoms, that throughout four centuries fought for power. The kingdoms were: Kent, Sussex, Essex, Wessex, Mercia, East Anglia and Northumbria ( Нортумбрия). Kent, Northumbria and Mercia got supremacy in this fight by turns. But in the early 9th c. their struggle ended by a decisive victory of Wessex. Wessex had secured the control of other kingdoms. Apart from internal factors the unification of England under the leadership of Wessex was speeded up by a new factor: the pressure of an enemy: Scandinavians.

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