Конспект лекций по дисциплине «История языка (англ.)» для студентов специальности «Иностранная филология»

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лекции История языка (английский язык) - 1 (2)

The Pronoun.

Personal pronouns are noun-pronouns and they repeated the evolution of nouns.

In Early ME the OE Feminine pronouns of the 3d person, sing. hēo was replaced by a group of variants – he, ho, sce, sho, she and she prevailed over the others. The OE pronoun of the 3d person plur. hīe was replaced by the Scandinavian loan-word they [θei]. Another replacement in plur. forms of the 2nd person- ye, you, your.

The category of Case underwent profound alterations. Two cases fell together – Dative and Accusative into what may be called the Objective case. The OE Genitive case of personal pronouns split from the other forms and turned into a new class of personal pronouns – possessive. In OE the Genitive case of personal pronouns like the Genitive case of nouns was commonly used in the attributive function; its use as an object was rare. IN ME pronouns became more homogeneous: they had all lost their forms of agreement with the head –noun in case and number and were uninflected.

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