Курс лекций по лексикологии английского языка для студентов факультетов иностранных языков

partially motivated (when one of the words is used in a not direct meaning) or to

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Lectures.on.Le icology1

partially motivated (when one of the words is used in a not direct meaning) or to 
demotivated (completely non-motivated) like tit for tat, red-tape. 
Lexical and grammatical stability of phraseological units is displayed in the fact 
that no substitution of any elements whatever is possible in the following stereotyped 
(unchangeable) set expressions, which differ in many other respects; all the world and 
his wife, red tape, calf love, heads or tails, first night, to gild the pill, to hope for the 
best, busy as a bee, fair and square, stuff and nonsense time and again. 
In a free phrase the semantic correlative ties are fundamentally different. The 
information is additive and each element has a much greater semantic independence 
where each component may be substituted without affecting the meaning of the other: 
cut bread, cut cheese, eat bread. Information is additive in the sense that the amount 
of information we had on receiving the first signal, i.e. having heard or read the word 

cut, is increased, the listener obtains further details and learns what is cut. The 
reference of cut is unchanged. Every notional word can form additional syntactic ties 
with other words outside the expression. In a set expression information furnished by 
each element is not additive: actually it does not exist before we get the whole. No 
substitution for either cut or figure can be made without completely ruining the 
following: I had an uneasy fear that he might cut a poor figure beside all these clever 
Russian officers (Shaw). He was not managing to cut much of a figure (Murdoch). 
The only substitution admissible for the expression cut a poor figure concerns the 
Semantic approach stresses the importance of idiomaticity, functional - 
syntactic inseparability, contextual - stability of context combined with idiomaticity. 
In his classification of V.V. Vinogradov developed some points first advanced by the 
Swiss linguist Charles Bally. The classification is based upon the motivation of the 
unit, i.e. the relationship existing between the meaning of the whole and the meaning 
of its component parts. The degree of motivation is correlated with the rigidity, 
indivisibility and semantic unity of the expression, i.e with the possibility of changing 
the form or the order of components, and of substituting the whole by a single word. 
According to the type of motivation three types of phraseological units are suggested, 

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