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In his annual address to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan's way - 2050: The overarching goal, common interests, common future" on 17 January 2014 the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that the task of becoming one of the participants of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) considers the pre-definition of the main targets of social, health, economic and educational spheres of life and activity of the country.

By 2050, it is planned to complete the "formation of an advanced national education system" that meets international standards in the context of educational programs and processes as well as in aspects of identity formation, which has a solid civil position and intellectual baggage, allowing to represent the interests of the country and the people as a whole in the global community .
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev in the message formulated by the most important task: "To continue the formation and implementation of the new anti-corruption strategy." * Thus, antikorruptsionizm recognized as a strategically important task.
In order to further develop and deepen the processes aimed at the implementation of five insti-tutional reform, the Head of State had formulated a hundred paces, in a concentrated form of the Nation is a plan to build a modern state for all.
In particular, the Plan of the Nation includes step 13, "Strengthening the fight against corruption" **. The task or step
* Назарбаев Н.А. Казахстанский путь – 2050: Единая цель, единые интересы, единое будущее – Послание народу Казахстана от 17 января 2014 года. – Алматы, 2014.
** План Нации по вхождению в 30-ку развитых государств в новых исторических условиях «100 конкретных шагов» //Литер, 20 мая 2015г.
of great political, social, economic and legal significance for Kazakhstan, aiming at becoming one of the 30 most developed countries of the world.

Education in a corrupt society - is a fatal path to a civilized state. And as a result, corruption in the education sector entails such negative consequences as a reduction in the general intellectual level of the nation, the substitution of true values ​​by false, establishment of legal nihilism, the subordination of the human person the magic of the golden calf. Education in a corrupt society engenders corrupt education, which generally creates conditions that adversely affect the formation and development of a truly democratic society, free from the dictates of power brokers of the shadow economy.

Is the undisputed assertion criminologists around the world that corruption can be defeated. But the struggle with it should start at school and continue throughout adult life of man.

Anti-corruption education originally intended to build and strengthen in people-centered sustainable citizenship, a patriot of his country, who can resist the influence of the spirit of greed and permissiveness. Organization of education - the main site, which gives an idea of ​​the priceless human life, about the place and the role of the spiritual and intellectual riches of the person as the crown of creation.

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