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Consequences of corruption

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3. Consequences of corruption

Crime - a feature inherent to any state. The question of its forms and volumes. Consistent with this, it can be argued that corruption is one of the manifestations of crime also has immanence. In other words, while there are commodity-money relations will take place corruption offenses. This fact means that the fight against corruption and will wear wore a permanent, continuous, permanent. The weakening or termination even for a short time period of the struggle facing severe consequences. Some effects can wear long-acting character.

In summary, the most dangerous types of negative effects of corruption and the effects of corruption offenses include the following.

1. The economy of the country the direct cost of corruption lead to a decrease in state budget revenues, indirectly reducing the volume produced gross national product.

2. Corruption is expanding underground economy, it reduces to insignificant healthy competition as "bribe" ensure the provision of non-competitive advantages. This undermines the market economy as such, creates a new monopoly, often associated with organized crime, reduce the efficiency of the economy as a whole.

3. Corruption deprives the state of opportunity to ensure compliance with the rules of market economy, which leads to a decrease in Kazakhstan's authority in international economic processes. Widespread corruption makes it impossible to attract not only foreign, but also Kazakh investments.

4. Corruption is a threat to the moral foundations

of society *.
5. Even more devastating effects of corruption related to the fact that it is rated as one of the main elements of organized crime. And as such corruption is a significant threat to national security as a whole.
6. Organized corruption - a way to penetrate the public policy environment. A corrupt state apparatus leads to a loss of national sovereignty.

Main conclusions

1. Corruption offenses originated with the first signs of the formation of the state.

2. Corruption - the notion of collective and refers not only to criminal offenses. Legal liability for ________________
* См.: Агыбаев А.Н. Коррупция – общественно опасное социальное явление //Национальная система уголовного и уголовно-процессуального права: теория и практика 10-летия: Материалы конференции. – Алматы, 2007. – с.133.
corruption offenses provided for in the disciplinary, administrative, legal and penal procedure.

3. Corruption is not of a class, national, religious or other nature. Corruption is viewed from three perspectives: 1) social; 2) economic; 3) political and legal.

4. The first written mention of the dangers of corruption are XXІV century BC

5. The fight against corruption is caused by the harmful effects that corruption causes the progressive
development of the state, its economy, the authority in the international arena, as well as moral and psychological aspect of citizens.

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