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Questions for self-control

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Questions for self-control:
1. What are the differences in terms of:
a) soldier and reservist?
b) combat situation and wartime?
c) the military commander and other officials?

2. What are the characteristics of the military law?

3. What causes a higher degree of public danger of military crimes?
4. What is meant by the object of military crimes?
5. Who is meant by the subject of the military crime?

Recommended reading:
1. Таранов А.А. Феномен власти в контексте проблем борьбы с организованной преступностью // Борьба с организованной преступностью и кор- рупцией: Материалы международной конферен- ции. – Алматы: Алматинская высшая следственная школа ГСК Республики Казахстан. – 1996. – С. 127-132.
2. Жунусов К. Основные причины воинских преступлений, их профилактика и предупреждение // Закон и время. – №9 (97). – 2008. – С. 35-38.
3. Курманов К.Ш. Воинские преступления // Уголовное право Кыргызской Республики. – Бишкек. – 2000. – С. 563-607.

Theme 12. The administrative and legal anti-corruption policy the Republic of Kazakhstan

1. The concept of misconduct on the administrative law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2. Corruption offenses by administrative legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

3. The subject and the object of the administrative offense of corruption

1. The concept of misconduct on the administrative law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

For a correct understanding of the nature of corruption offenses is important clarification of certain concepts within which called offense found its legal reflection of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offences (abbreviated - CAO).

Administrative law - the branch of law that regulates public relations arising in the process of organizing and executive and administrative activities of government (before the October Revolution of 1917 the right to call the police administrative law)*.

An administrative offense referred to misconduct. For administrative offense norms CAO provides legal administrative liability.

Administrative offense different from a criminal and punishable offense by a

* См.: Большой юридический словарь. – М.: ИНФРА-М. – 2002. – С. 17.

lesser degree of public danger. The administrative offense is a synonym - a tort. The term "tort" law is not fixed, but is widely used in scientific papers.

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