Н. И. Лобачевского Информационные системы Практикум

Match the speakers a-j to the departments 1-10

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Inform systems

8. Match the speakers a-j to the departments 1-10.

a. I spend most of my day updating software.

1 Legal

b. I've just written an advert for new sales staff.

2 Customer Services

c. I look after all the contracts.

3 Production

d. We develop new products and services.

4 HR

e. We deal with people's complaints.

5 IT

f. I control the budgets.

6 R&D

g. Our campaign brought us ten new customers.

7 Distribution

h. I've just updated the schedule for the new model.

8 PR

i. We hope this campaign will improve our image.

9 Finance

j. We have to get the new designs into the shops by the first of December.

10 Sales and Marketing


Task I

1. Read and translate the dialogue.

INTERVIEWER: So, you're the Personnel Officer.
BIRGITTA: That's right. I'm in charge of the Personnel Department.
INTERVIEWER: And what exactly does your job involve?
BIRGITTA: Well it involves the relations between the firm and its employees and also the personal satisfaction of employees.
INTERVIEWER: Could you explain that?
BIRGITTA: Well, there are four main areas. I look after training. I make sure that employees have the right training program. And I monitor their progress in the training.
BIRGITTA: Then secondly I'm concerned with performance appraisal. INTERVIEWER: ‘Performance appraisal'? What's that?
BIRGITTA: Yes, well... Performance appraisal involves looking at the performance of every employee in his or her job. Line Managers carry out performance appraisals every year. I liaise with Line Managers. I make sure that the performance appraisal is carried out correctly. And I monitor the performance of every employee.
INTERVIEWER: Mm, I get it.
BIRGITTA: Thirdly, I'm responsible for job recruitment. I place job advertisements in newspapers. I organise job interviews and arrange transport, accommodation, etc.
BIRGITTA: And finally, I have to deal with problems.
INTER VIEWER: What kind of problems?
BIRGITTA: Well, I deal with any problem that affects an employee's performance. Sometimes this involves personal and family problems.

2. Read the dialogue once again and answer the questions.

-- Which department does Birgitta work in?

-- What are the four main areas of her job?

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