Conclusion If cognitive and metacognitive strategies
are taught in conjunction with social-affective
strategies, there will be more opportunity for
learners to enhance their academic performance,
develop functional competences and become
independent strategic learners. However, despite
effective strategy instructions it is unlikely to
achieve learning outcomes with the help of
strategies use only, as many factors affect a
high level of academic performance such as
curriculum course requirements, learner and
task characteristics and preferences, students’
different levels of language proficiency, learners’
different motivations and believes, social and
cultural background and teachers’ experience
and competence. Despite the numerous factors
contradicting learners’ academic achievements,
language learning strategies should be trained to
foster their self-regulated learning as the essence
of self-regulated learning resides in its driving
force to develop competitive, autonomous life-
long learners which is one of the requirements of
21st century modernized education.
G.A. Rizakhojayeva, N.S. Ibadullayeva
№ 1(134)/2021
Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің ХАБАРШЫСЫ. Педагогика. Психология. Әлеуметтану сериясы ISSN: 2616-6895, eISSN: 2663-2497