ОңТҮстік қазақстан медицина академиясы, хабаршы №4 942, 2021 жыл, том 2

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Results of the HADS survey of depression and anxiety, which determines the mental status of 
patients (M±S) "depression scale" (absolute number of patients by %): normal indicator (0-7 points) was found in 27 
(42.18%) patients; clinically pronounced depression (HADS > 8) was found in 26 (40.62%) patients, high degree 
depression (HADS > 11) was found in 11 (17.18%) patients. 
The"anxiety" scale was based (on the absolute number of patients by%) : normal (0-7 points) was found in 26 
(40.62%) patients, clinically pronounced anxiety (HADS > 8) was found in 28 (43.75%) patients, and high degree 
anxiety (HADS >11) was found in 12 (18.75%) patients. 
In the course of the interview, it was found that the most disturbing feelings of anxiety in patients with 
psychoemotional disorders are: angina attacks, decreased physical activity,the result of the disease , concern for the 
well-being of the family, work, self - health, general weakness, a feeling of constant fatigue, irritability, sleep 
disorders, the development of repeated myocardial infarction and fear of sudden death. 
As a result of psychological testing on the HADS scale, symptoms of clinically pronounced 
depression were detected in 40.62% of all patients due to the disease, and high - grade depression was detected in 
17.18%. And on the anxiety scale, normal indicator symptoms were found in 26 (40.62%) patients. The level of 
stress and anxiety that determines the pathological response of patients to the disease can provide sufficient data on 
the state of health of patients during rehabilitation. In turn, it was found that the depressive state of the patient 
negatively affects the clinical course of the disease, the overall quality of life of patients, their predisposition to 
treatment and compliance with medical recommendations. All this creates the need for timely detection and timely 
treatment of psychoemotional disorders in patients. 
1. Myocardial infarction as the main cause of death of the population of South Kazakhstan region and 
scientific bases for improving its prevention. // Dissertation work for the academic degree of Master of Health in the 
specialty 6m110200" Public Health". Shymkent, 2016 P. 66. 

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