ОңТҮстік қазақстан медицина академиясы, хабаршы №4 942, 2021 жыл, том 2

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2. AHA/ACCF Secondary Prevention and Risk Reduction Therapy for patients with coronary and other 
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4. Романова В.П. Факторы, обуславливаю- щие выбор эффективных программ реабилитации больных, 
перенесших острый инфаркт миокарда. Вестник новых медицинских технологий 2010;17(4):87–91. 
[Romanоva V.P. Factors, causing the choice of efficient rehabilitation programs for the patients, who undergo the 
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2010;17(4):87–91. (In Russ.)].
5. Boden W.E., O'Rourke R.A., Teo K.K. et al. Optimal medical therapy with or without PCI for stable 
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Saydalikhujaeva Shoira Khotam kizi 
Scientific supervisor: Rustamova Hamida Yelemesovna 
Tashkent State Dental Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistam, 
Relevance of the study.
Emotional Burn-Out Syndrome (CMEA) is an organism’s response to prolonged 
exposure to medium-intensity occupational stress. It exhibits symptoms of emotional, mental exhaustion, physical 
fatigue, personal isolation and reduced job satisfaction [1,2]. According to European studies, the risk of developing 
emotional burnout syndrome in health professionals ranges from 2.4% to 72%. 42% of nurses have a high level of 
emotional exhaustion [4].
One of the most difficult among medical staffs - both physically and emotionally - is the 
work of the medical personnel of resuscitation and anesthesiology departments. Patients in intensive care and 
intensive care are generally in a serious or extremely serious condition. There is a high risk of death among them. 
Middle-level medical personnel are with patients almost permanently, and must always be prepared for the 
development of any critical situation. In the event of the death of the sick, it is the staff of these departments who 
have to «take on» the emotions of the relatives and relatives of the deceased, and sometimes their claims. All this 
leads to a high risk of developing emotional burnout syndrome in this category of staff and the need to develop 
preventive measures [2,3].

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