Практикум по культуре речевого общения (английский язык как второй иностранный) Учебное пособие

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Vest — to furnish with authority; inferior — lower in rank, order, place; appeal — an urgent call for sympathy or aid; resign — to give up a position; maritime cases — cases, relating to the sea; quorum — the number of persons who must, by the rules, be present at a meeting, to make its decisions valid; judiciary (federal) — judicial branch of power; claim — the right to ask for; monetary — of money; contractual — connected with a contract; allege — to present a statement (as a fact), to claim smth. to be true; customs — import duties (tax).

Comprehension Check Exercises

I. Fill in the blank

  1. The judicial power consists of a system of courts spread throughout the country and is headed by...

  2. By Constitution the courts have the power to hear and decide the two clases of cases — ...

  3. One of the most important duties of the Supreme Court is to decide whether laws passed by the Congress agree with the ...

  4. The legal ... of Justices of the Supreme Court, participating in the decision, is six.

  5. The United States is divided into 11 separate regions, each of them being served by a court of.….

  6. Almost all accused of commiting federal crimes are tried in the ....

  7. Another important special court is the Customs Court, which has exclusive jurisdiction over cases, connected with taxes or quotas on ...

II. Complete the sentence with the best answer (a, b or c) according to the information in the text:

1. However, the Congress cannot abolish

  1. the district court

  2. the Court of Appeals

  3. the Supreme Court

2. One of the most important duties of the Supreme Court Justices is to decide whether laws passed by the Congress agree with

  1. the President

  2. the Senate

  3. the Constitution

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