Социальный работник молодая профессия, которая быстро развивается и охватывает новые сферы жизни. В связи с развитием общества, появлением новых реалий потребность в социальных работниках постоянно растет

Examples on how to describe behaviour rather than judge

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A Noble Profession пособие

Examples on how to describe behaviour rather than judge

Negative statements

Kevin has missed a lot of


Kevin is co-operating with the

community order.

He no longer appears to use drugs.

More positive statements

Kevin has attended five of the six

scheduled appointments.

Kevin is fully engaged in working

with the project.

Kevin is tested regularly as part of

his community order, and there is no

evidence that he is using drugs.

2. Types of reports include investigations, feasibility studies, research reports,
progress reports, and court reports. Reports should:

● be objective and factual (i. e. clear and include information which can be

verified; second-hand information should be identified);

● be coherent and systematic in their order and structure (i. e. either

chronologically, in order of significance of events, or in order of usefulness to
the reader);

● comprise essential information (may include a list of the information that

is required and be prioritised according to what the reader needs to know);

● be concise, to the point, contain clear an evidence-based summary and

recommendations with attached actions.

3. A common structure for a short report is:

● Title;

● Introduction (who asked for the report, why the report is being written,

the purpose/ subject of the report, when it should be submitted by);

● Main body (Findings);

● Conclusions;

● Recommendations.

4. A research report has seven components:

● Abstract or Summary (what the main points and findings of the paper are)

● Introduction (what the topic of the paper is in general terms, why the topic
is important, and what to expect in the paper);

● Review of Literature (what other researchers have discovered about the

paper’s topic);

● Methods (methods and techniques used to conduct a research);

● Results (the findings of the research and assessment whether your
expectations (hypotheses) were correct);

● Conclusions and Discussion (how research findings relate to what

the community of scholars knew already, what you found out about your topic,
the general significance and shortcomings of your topic and findings);

● References (links to the community of scholars that will permit to assess

the worthiness of the claims you make in your paper).

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