Социальный работник молодая профессия, которая быстро развивается и охватывает новые сферы жизни. В связи с развитием общества, появлением новых реалий потребность в социальных работниках постоянно растет

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A Noble Profession пособие

Sample of a summary

In “Here’s to Your Health,” Joan Dunayer describes how advertisers spend

big money promoting lies about alcohol. To begin with, they suggest that alcohol
is an indication of professional success. However, the fact is that heavy drinkers
actually perform worse at work and in school. Another lie is that drinking makes
you sexy. The truth is that alcohol use can lead to infertility and impotence. Then
there is the myth that alcohol and athletics are a great combination. Certainly we
observe this connection on every sports broadcast. However, any athlete can tell
you that alcohol hinders coordination and slows you down. Finally, the alcohol
industry wants us to believe that drinking promotes family togetherness and
happiness. What they don’t tell you is that it is the leading cause of domestic
violence, crime, suicide, and abuse. How ironic it is that we toast one another,
“To Your Health!

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