Социальный работник молодая профессия, которая быстро развивается и охватывает новые сферы жизни. В связи с развитием общества, появлением новых реалий потребность в социальных работниках постоянно растет

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using the text

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Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using the text.

1. A social policy is a decision made by ____.

2. Social policies focus on such concerns as ____.

3. The term social welfare policy is often applied to ____.

4. The first type, known as the Bismarck policy, links ____.

5. The second type, known as the Beveridge plan, is based on ____.

Exercise 6. Match English and Russian equivalents.

1) allocation

a) проблема, вопрос

2) governmental regulation

b) купоны на бесплатную еду

3) lawmaker

c) государственный чиновник

4) government official

d) возможности трудоустройства

5) tax structure

e) распределение

6) issue

f) преступность среди несовершеннолетних

7) legislative body

g) система налогов

8) job opportunities

h) субсидированное жилье

9) juvenile delinquency

i) законодательный орган

10) food stamps

j) положение, условие

11) subsidized housing

k) постановление правительства

12) provision

) законодатель, парламентарий

Exercise 7. Here are the definitions to the notions. Work out the notions. Words for reference: benefit, social pension, law, the disadvantaged, professional pension.

1. A rule, usually made by a government, that is used to order the way

in which a society behaves.

2. Without the money, possessions, education, opportunities that the average

person has.

3. An amount of money that is paid regularly to people who are unemployed,

ill, or too old to work.

4. Insurance against being unable to work because of an illness, injury,

or medical condition.

5. An amount of money paid regularly by the government to a person who

does not work any more because they are too old or have become ill.

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