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УДК: 615.272
Muratova A., Orazbekov B., Zhunusov M., Duysenova K., Zhumagalieva J., 
іlisbek А., Amangeldiev N.
Scientific supervisor: Olzhayeva R.R.,
k.b.s., professor of Russian Academy of 
Natural Sciences
Medical University Semey, NCJSC
The most dangerous part of oxidative stress is the formation of reactive 
oxygen species (ROS), which include free radicals and peroxides. The level of reactive 
oxygen species, which exceeds the protective capabilities of the cell, causes serious 
cellular disorders and, as a result, cell destruction. Under conditions of the active 
interaction of cells with O2, which makes aerobic life possible, an enzyme defense system 
against its toxic effects is formed with the participation of superoxide dismutase (SOD), 
catalase, and peroxidase as necessary components.
To analyze the structure and activity, the role of enzymes of the protective 
mechanisms of the cell.

Catalase is widely distributed in tissues (especially a lot of it in the liver). 
Catalase is one of the main enzymes for the destruction of reactive oxygen species. 
Catalase is the primary primary antioxidant in the defense system, which catalyzes the 
decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water, sharing this function with glutathione 
peroxidase. Both enzymes detoxify the active oxygen radical, catalyzing the formation of 
hydrogen peroxide from superoxide. In addition to differences in their substrate specificity, 
these two enzymes differ in affinity for the substrate. At low hydrogen peroxide, organic 
peroxides are predominantly catalyzed by peroxidase. 
However, at high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, catalases work. The level of 
activity varies not only in different tissues, but also inside the cell itself. Liver, kidney, and 
red blood cells contain high levels of superoxide dismutase. In hepatocytes, the expected 
high level of activity is observed in peroxisomes, although superoxide dismutase is also 
active in microsomes and in the cytosol. Superoxide dismutase is a cytocuprein, a protein 
consisting of 2 subunits, each of which contains one atom of zinc, copper and cobalt. 
Superoxide dismutase is one of the most common population genetic markers; 
mutations in the superoxide dismutase gene cause some hereditary human diseases 
(atherosclerosis, amyotrophic lateral syndrome), which is used for diagnostic purposes. A 
decrease in the activity of superoxide dismutase and an increase in the activity of catalase 
in type 2 diabetes mellitus were revealed, which indicates the occurrence of an imbalance 
in the anotioxidant system.
Superoxide dismutase preparations are used as anti
inflammatory drugs, e.g. with 
arthritis. In the literature, much attention is paid to studying changes in the activity of 
erythrocyte superoxide dismutase during the aging process of organisms and in some 
diseases, such as hemolytic anemia, ischemia, and a number of neurological diseases. 
Superoxide radicals play an essential role in the development of inflammatory processes. 
The result of these studies was the use of superoxide dismutase as an anti
agent (orgotein, peroxinorm). Orgotein is used in the clinic for the treatment of 
inflammatory processes, osteoarthritis, bursitis, praktitov, cystitis. Successful treatment of 
superoxide dismutase inflammatory processes allows us to consider this enzyme as an 
alternative to corticosteroids. The activity of the enzyme component of the antioxidant 
blood system undergoes phase changes: at the early stage of ischemia, activation of 

superoxide dismutase and catalase occurs, followed by suppression of the activity of these 
in the late stages of the pathology.

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