English grammar and exercises ағылшын тілі грамматикасы

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Exercise 84.
Rewrite the following sentences using Present Perfect and the 
adverbial modifiers in brackets: 
1. He gets up at 7 a. m (just). 2. I usually fly to Kiev (never). 3. I watch
TV programmers every day (recently). 4. I need lot of English books in the
original (of late). 5. Kate reads historical novels with great interest (always). 6.
He boys are finishing breakfast (not yet). 7. Does he read books on travel?
(ever) 8. I look through the morning newspapers at breakfast (already). 9. Nick
shows his films to his friends (three times). 10. I meet him on my way to the
office (often).
Exercise 85.
Translate into Kazakh language: 
1. They have informed us of the time of the arrival of the vessel. 2. I have
spoken to him about it several times. 3. Have you opened the window in my
room? 4. I have opened the window in my room twice today. 5. After they had
counted the cases, they sent them to the factory. 6. We had come to an
agreement before they arrived. 7. He said that in the summer the had received
letters from her every week. 8. They will have token examinations by the first of
July. 9. He had graduated from the University when the war began. 10. Come at
four o’clock. The director will have signed all the documents by that time
Exercise 86.
Change the tense of the verbs in the following sentences into the 
Present Perfect. Translate into Kazakh.
1.I am eating my breakfast. 2. We are drinking water. 3. He is bringing
them some meat and vegetables. 4. You are putting the dishes on the table. 5.
They are having tea. 6. She is taking the dirty plates from the table. 7. The
children are putting on their coats. 8. The pupils are writing a dictation. 9. My
friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem. 10. I am learning a poem. 11.
She is telling them an nteresting story. 12. Kate is sweeping the floor. 13. The
waiter is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him. 14. Susan is making a new
dress for her birthday party. 15. She is opening a box of chocolates.


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