Ф. М. Достоевского education in great britain учебно-методическое пособие

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Part 1. Introduction 

introduction to life in London University – знакомство  с 

жизнью Лондонского университета 

the terms that we keep as students – наши учебные семестры 

I'm speaking into a cassette-recorder – я начитываю текст на 



Part 2. London University Profile 

a campus University – университет, в котором все колледжи 

(факультеты) сосредоточены в одном месте – кампусе 

а college University – университет, колледжи которого могут 

находиться в разных частях города  

rather than – ...а не 

a pretty good mixture of people – довольно  разнообразный 


for quite a while – определенное время 

are going on to Master's degrees and Doctorate theses – про-

дол-жают  учебу  для  получения  степени  магистра  и  защиты  док-

торской диссертации 

tend to be concentrated on programmes such as the Soros 

Programme – как  правило,  являются  участниками  программ  об-

мена  (спонсируемых  филантропическими  организациями,  госу-

дарственными  структурами  или  частными  лицами),  таких,  как 

программа фонда Сороса 

research students – аспиранты 



Task to Part 2: TRUE or FALSE? 



London University is a campus University. 

T / F 



Its colleges are located in one place. 

T / F 



You can get all kinds of degrees at London University.  T / F  



At that time Russian students at London University 

were mostly involved in research. 

T / F 


Part 3. London School of Economics Curricula 

specialising in the social and political sciences – специализи-

рую-щиеся в общественно-политических науках 

through to business administration – кончая деловым адми-


leading to a degree – ведущий к получению степени 

the institutions of the European Community – государствен-

ные институты / организации Европейского Сообщества 

comparative political analysis – сравнительный  политиче-

ский анализ 

bearing in mind – имея в виду 

leading up to the present day  по сегодняшний день 

out-of-date / up-to-date material   устаревший / «свежий» 


photocopied material – фотокопии материалов 


Task to Part 3:  Fill in the blanks. Then make up a list of disciplines 

LSE students are supposed to be instructed in  

So, our college, that is the London School of Economics, has a 

number of faculties, all _____________ in the social and political sci-

ences; although the name suggests the people study mainly economics, 

in fact, they study everything from law, geography, history through to 

___________ ______________, industrial relations and psychology. I 

myself studied a mixture of things leading to a degree called the 

___________ __ ___________ which is the first degree or a Bachelor 

degree. I studied eight subjects: I studied Russian language, and I also 

studied Russian and Soviet history, international history, 

____________ ____________ which included all the institutions of the 

European Community. I studied ___________ ___________ 



____________ and Soviet economic development which was an inter-

esting subject, bearing in mind all the changes that have been taking 

place in this country over the past few years. And also I've been study-

ing Russian _____________ ____________ , that is Russian and So-

viet, leading up to the present day. And that, too, involved a lot of 

change: all of the textbooks that we had were _____ __ _____ and so 

we had to use much photocopied material and up-to-date journals and 

newspapers. We were told, in fact, that we were to watch the television 

pretty regularly, otherwise we wouldn’t get enough ____ __ _____ ma-

terial to pass our exams. 


Part 4. Terms 

trimester  период занятий, когда учебный год разделен на 3 


Lent Term – триместр перед Пасхой 

start to run up to the examination – начать готовиться к экза-


the long summer break – продолжительные  летние  канику-


do some studying in the holidays – учиться  в  каникулярное 


make up the short fall in their financial position – поправить 

/ пополнить свой бюджет 


Task to Part 4:   Complete the time-table of studies at London School 

of Economics 


Time Beginning  End 

The first term  



Winter break  



The second term  



Spring break  



The third term  



Summer break 






Part 5. Examinations 

we could take up to half (exams) – мы могли сдавать до по-

ловины (экзаменов)  

that worked out quite well – что достаточно хорошо срабо-


the questions I was set in the examination papers – вопросы, 

на которые мне предстояло отвечать на экзаменах 


Part 6. Degrees 

take / earn   


be awarded /


a Bachelor's / Master's / Doctoral degree присуждать 




stay on to do a Doctoral thesis – продолжить учебу для рабо-

ты над докторской диссертацией 

to miss out that Master's degree study – обойтись без степе-

ни магистра 

a taught course – учебный курс (в виде занятий) 


Task to Parts 5 and 6:  Answer the questions 



In which schemes can the examinations be taken? 



Which scheme worked well for David and why? 



What degrees does London School of Economics offer? 



Is there a one-to-one correspondence between British and 

Russian degrees? 



What must one do to get a Master’s degree? A Doctor’s 




How long does it usually take to earn these degrees? 


Part 7. Method of Study 

the method of study employed ... goes something like this – 

примерная учебная стратегия, которой придерживаются 

it was just a matter of writing down   здесь  лишь  требова-

лось конспектировать 

make a presentation – выступать с сообщением / докладом 



raise questions  задавать вопросы 

to set essays to write in the classes   давать  задания  писать 

эссе в классе 

in classes you were expected to turn up – на  практических 

занятиях Вам полагалось появляться / присутствовать 

tutor system... in which people have a one-to-one relationship 

–  система  обучения...  при  которой  студенты  работают  индивиду-

ально с преподавателем 

someone that could liaise [li'eiz] with ... – кто  мог  бы  под-

держивать связь с... 

for one reason or another – по той или иной причине 


Task to Part 7:  Fill in the blanks. Compare the LSE method of study 

with ours. Which do you prefer and why?  


The method of study that students employed at my School goes 

something like this: we had for all of our courses leading to the degree 

a mixture of lectures and classes. At lectures we didn’t have the oppor-

tunity to ask questions – it was just a matter of ______     _______    

_________ that the lecturers gave to us. In classes though, we had the 

opportunity to _______   _____   _________ , the other students would 

listen, then discuss it, ________  __________ that we wanted to ask 

with the teacher concerned and we would also be _______   _______ to 

write in the classes and we’d have to do about four essays for every 

course that we were following. (Remember, there’s about eight alto-

gether). The classes would number about 6-8 or 10 people and the lec-

tures would be ____________ in a big ball for all of the groups to lis-

ten at the same time. So it might be up to a hundred people listening in 

the lecture hall. And you didn’t have to go to lectures because there 

was no way that they could check whether you were there or not. But 

in classes you were expected to turn up because it might have been you 

that had to _________  _________ for everybody else. I think the sys-

tem worked quite well. But we didn’t have the same kind of tutor sys-

tem that they have at the University of Oxford and Cambridge in which 

people have a _______________ relationship with their teacher. We 

did have a tutor, all of us, but this was simply a person that we could 

discuss problems with, someone that could liaise with the School Au-

thorities on your behalf. But in general we didn't spend much time talk-



ing to our tutor. The tutor would be somebody, one of your teachers or 

possibly somebody that you select because you’re not happy with one 

of your teachers being your tutor. So people had to go into class more 

or less every day from Monday to Friday. You might be lucky to have 

a _______________ that gives you a day off. But in my case I found 

that most days I had to go into the school for one reason or another, if 

only to use the library. We had about 12 hours in the classroom includ-

ing time in lectures and the rest of the time was our own to prepare our 

essays or to write ________   __________ answers to prepare our-

selves for the exams. 


Part 8. Exams 

pass papers – экзаменационный материал 

exams are three hours long – экзамены длятся три часа 

I had ... the dissertation to do in place of one exam – я дол-

жен был писать дипломную работу вместо одного экзамена  


Part 9. Library 

take books out – брать книги на дом 

a pretty good stock of books – достаточно хороший книжный 



Task to Parts 8 and 9:  Choose the most appropriate answer among  

the given ones 

1. Students have to prepare material to answer examination ques-

tions because ... 



these differ from year to year; 



these can be asked in a slightly different form; 



they don’t know what they’re going to be asked. 


2. What is wrong? 

  Exams are … 



three hours long; 






taken in the final year. 




3. What is wrong? 

  In the University library you could … 



take books and work there; 



always find any book you needed; 



take books out. 


Part 10. Life as a Student / Student's Life 

to spend on going out to night clubs or that kind of thing – 

тратить на ночные клубы или что-то в этом роде 

receive a grant – получить  грант / безвозвратную  ссуду / 

единовременное денежное пособие на конкурсной основе 

enough money to take you through about two-thirds of your 

course – этого хватит примерно на 2/3 вашего курса обучения 

you're going to have to put up the rest of the money somehow 

– вам необходимо будет как-то восполнить недостающую сумму 

system of loans through which students can borrow ... money 

– система кредитования / ссуд, посредством которой студенты мо-

гут получить заем 


Part 11. Grades and Levels 

everyone is entitled to free higher education – каждый имеет 

право на высшее образование (зд.: свободный доступ) 

the grade that you attain at "A" level (advanced) – ваша 

оценка на экзаменах продвинутого уровня 

to assimilate the course – усваивать учебный материал курса 



Task to Parts 10 and 11:   Fill in the missing words 

So what about life as a student, then, in London? Well, life was 

pretty busy, it wasn’t quite as _________ as you might ___________ 

because people didn’t have a great deal of money to spend on going out 

to night clubs or that kind of thing. Most people __________ __ 

_______ to go to University and this amounts to about 3.000 pounds. 

That's enough money to ______ you ___________ about two-thirds of 

your course, I mean you’re going to have to put up the rest of the 

money somehow: either by working or, perhaps, your parents will help 

you, because life in London is simply too expensive to __________ 



___ that amount of money. These days though unfortunately even the 

grant has been ___________ and this will be ___________ by a system 

of _______ through which students can __________ as much money as 

they think they need from the banks but they'll have to pay them back. 

Everyone is ____________ to a free higher education


. But 

whether or not you can enter University depends on the grade that you 

__________ at "A" level. "A" level stands for «advanced» level and 

these are examinations you take in your final year at school at the age 

of 18, usually. You don’t have to take examinations again to enter Uni-

versity because the "A" level results are used by the University to judge 

whether you are good enough to _____________ the course. 


Part 12. University Life 

people ... used to disperse ... and make their own 

entertainment – люди  обычно  расходились ... и  каждый  находил 

развлечение на свой вкус 

theatre productions could be mounted  (don’t understand 

meaning of mounted here) – можно  было  посмотреть  театральное 


the University sports fields in New Molden – спортивные 

площадки университета в Нью-Молден 

away-matches were held – устраивались (выездные) матчи 

the University of London through the Central Students' Un-

ion provided facilities at the University of London Union building 

(ULU)  [ju:'lu:] – Лондонский  университет  силами  Центрального 

союза  студентов  предоставлял  возможность  пользоваться  разно-

образными  услугами  и  специально  оборудованными  помещения-

ми в здании университетского студенческого клуба 

package deals – зд.: транспортные услуги 


Tasks to Part 12:   Answer the questions and express your opinion on 

the following  


1. Was there any particular centre for University life? 

2. In which way did a typical student make his/her own enter-





Not any more.




3. Choose among the below listed facilities the ones that 



the School of Economics offered; 



the University of London Union building (ULU) provided; 



the LSE Students’ Union had at its disposal. 

a bar, a vegetarian restaurant, a swimming pool, a 

bank, a stage, sports fields, a gymnasium, a sauna, 

a restaurant, a school shop, a travel agency. 

4. Was sport the only sphere of students’ life catered for by the 

Students’ Union? 

5. Where did the Students’ Union’s money come from? 

6. What things did the Students’ Union used to spend it’s money 



Now listen to the following part of the text again and fill in the gaps. 

Then discuss it in a group of four. 

Politics, too, was ________ for under the Students’ Union’s aus-

pices: if you wanted to start a political party or a new students’ 

__________ with a particular political axe to grind, as they say, then 

you could do that through the Students’ Union, actually taking some of 

the Union’s funds to help you ____________ yourself or ________ the 

money for one or two initial social events. But not all the political so-

cieties have to be in a serious tone like the Labour Club and the Con-

servative Clubs. There was a former Health Minister, called Mrs Ed-

wina Curry who made herself unpopular by ____________ people’s 

eating habits. And there was a new society started up two or three years 

ago called ‘The-Edwina-Curry-makes-me-feel-sick-Society’ which was 

quite popular for a while. Other societies included a Tequila society. A 

Tequila is just a drink that you can mix with orange juice and music 

and then you’ve got yourself a good time. And a lot of people were 

attracted to the Tequila Society and it used to make a lot of money as 

well, which should go back to the Students’ Union for spending on 

other __________. 


Part 13. Students’ Union 

LSE (London School of Economics) Students’ Union you 

don’t have to join specifically – вам  не  нужно  специально  (туда) 

вступать / записываться 



toiletries ... writing materials – предметы личной гигиены ... 

принадлежности для письма 

Students’ Union also runs a bar (keep mentioning bars) – в 

ведении  студенческого  союза  есть  также  и  бар  (продолжая  тему 


politics, too, was catered for under the Students’ Union’s 

auspices ['o:spisiz] – студенческий  союз  также  занимался  и  поли-

тическими  вопросами / руководил  работой  политических  органи-


with a particular political axe to grind – с  определенными 

политическими целями 

help you to publicize yourself – поможет  Вам  сделать  себе 


have to be in a serious tone  должны быть «на полном серь-


"The-Edwina-Curry-makes-me-sick-Society" – общество "Ме-

ня тошнит от Эдвины Карри" 

Tequilа society – Общество  любителей  тeкилы  (кактусовой 



Task to Part 13: Answer the questions that follow 




How many people and in which positions used to run the Stu-

dents’ Union? 



Why are they called Sabbaticals? 



Do many students get usually involved in the organization of 

the Students’ Union? 



Do the students really need the Students’ Union in David’s / 

your opinion? If so, why? If not, why not? 


Part 14. Leaders of the Students’ Union 

The Entertainment Officer – администратор  по  культурно-

массовой работе 

Social Secretary  секретарь по общественным связям 

the Treasurer – казначей 

Sabbatical  студент или сотрудник, взявший годичный пе-

рерыв в занятиях или работе 

to stand a good chance – иметь хорошие шансы 



to see them through – помогать им учиться 

to plow = to plough back – внести 


Task to Part 14: TRUE or FALSE?  


1. People study at Universities to socialize and entertain  


  T / F  

2. The majority of young people in Britain receive higher 


  T / F 

3. Specialists in all fields are in great demand in Great  


  T / F 

4. Graduates of higher education institutions are likely  

to have an income twice as much as non-graduates. 

  T / F 

5. Receiving a University education seems to be a good  


  T / F 




A D D I T I O N A L   R E A D I N G 


Text A.    You probably know that many students in the West take 

"some time off" (usually a year) before going into Higher 

Education. Read the text and express your opinion on ad-

vantages / disadvantages of such a practice  

Eighteen-year-old Chandra passed her "A" levels in June and has 

a place at London University to study pharmacy. This year she has 

chosen not to go straight to London. "I needed a year out", she ex-


"The subject I am going to study will lead, hopefully, to a career 

in industry. But I realized that I don’t know anything about the world 

of work. I’ve spent the past six years having a great time in my girls’ 

boarding school but I now need a year of responsibility. 

I wrote to a few well-known pharmaceutical companies and one 

of them offered me a job in their laboratory as a "work placement" I am 

testing anti-flammatory drugs at the moment and getting to know more 

about the technology used in my chosen field. Apart from gaining prac-

tical experience, I’m also earning money for the first time in my life! 

The company is pleased with my work and have offered to sponsor me 

through university. They will pay me an extra 1,800 a year while I’m 

studying and I can work in the labs during the holidays. 

And at the end of my studies there will be the option of working 

for them. It has all worked out so well!", says Chandra enthusiastically. 


Text B.   Read the text and express your opinion on the points below 


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