Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті Пәннің оқу-әдістемелік кешені Басылым: жетінші ЕҰУ Ф 703-07-21. Пәннің оқу-әдістемелік кешені. Жетінші басылым
17. Shops play an important role in our life
18. Online shopping
19. The best place to do shopping and my favorite local shops.
20. Tell about your or your family members’ shopping habits
21. What is the quality of customer service in our country?
22. Describe different stages of person’s life
23. What you were like as a child (or as a teenager) have you changed much?
24. Tell about the happiest period of your life
25. Could you tell us about the photo that is valuable for you?
26. Tell about the period of your life as teenager
27. Things you used to do when you were a child
28. Describe a favorite photograph of yours
29. How to take a good holiday photos?
30. The story behind my favorite photo
31. How safe are your digital photos?
32. Rubbish and recycling
33. How to save our world from rubbish, such as mobile phones for example? Can we recycle
34. Problems of recycling in Kazakhstan
35. Solution of recycling in different countries. Zero waste
36. Studying at university.
37. Tell about the system of higher education on the example of Eurasian National University
named after L.N. Gumilyov
38. Why is it so difficult to choose future profession?
39. What are your future career goals?
40. The best job I would like to have
41. Applying for an internship
42. Necessary skills for getting a good job
43. What is Netflix? Why is it so popular nowadays?
44. Do you re-watch your TV series or films that you have seen?
45. Watching TV is a waste of time. Are for or against?
46. Children under the age five shouldn’t watch any television at all
47. My preferences in watching TV programs.
48. 21
century TV habits
49. Advantages and disadvantages of living in the city.
50. Advantages and disadvantages of living in the country
51. There is no place like home
52. Can you compare living in a city with living in the country?
53. Tell about the best and the worst customer service at the restaurant
54. Tell about the restaurant you’ve been to recently
55. Restaurant service in your city
56. What really annoys you about services in restaurants?
57. Tipping in restaurants for good service in different countries
58. How to complain in restaurants without losing your cool?
59. Describe a DIY job that someone has done in your home