ұлттық университеті Пәннің оқу-әдістемелік кешені Басылым: жетінші ЕҰУ Ф 703-07-21. Пәннің оқу-әдістемелік кешені. Жетінші басылым
ТӘЖІРИБЕЛІК САБАҚТАРДЫ ӨТКІЗУ ЖОСПАРЫ ЖӘНЕ ТАПСЫРМАЛАРДЫ ОРЫНДАУ БОЙЫНША ӘДІСТЕМЕЛІК НҰСҚАУЛЫҚТАР 1 семестр (Intermediate) № апта Модульдік және бағдарламалық материалдардың атауы Сағат саны 1 Мodule 1. Social sphere of communication Тәжірибелік (семинар) сабақтар 1.1. Unit 1A Names. “Why did they call you that?”
Grammar: pronouns
Vocabulary: names
Students study names of famous people, focus on words and phrases used when taking
about names. Students read and discuss popular brand names. Speaking activity is
description of new inventions.
Methods of teaching: practical, visual and verbal method.
Forms and methods of teaching: practical, visual and verbal method. Explanatory - illustrative
explanation of the material, the use of search tasks.
3 2 1.2 Unit 1B “Life in colour”.
Practical English “Reporting lost luggage”
Grammar: adjectives
Students start by taking a colour personality test and reading the results, which revises some
adjectives and suffixes. Students discuss various questions related to colours, practice comparative
and superlative degrees of adjectives. Sts read and discuss an article about the psychology of colour
– how the colour of a room can affect our mood.
Forms and methods of teaching: Explanatory - illustrative explanation of the material, the use of
search tasks. Individual and group work. Using games.
3 3 1.3 Unit 2A “Get ready! Get set! Go!”
Grammar: present tenses
Vocabulary: packing
Sts recognize the differences between the present simple and present continuous tenses. Sts read an
article from a website about things people only do when on holiday. Sts talk about their feelings
about holidays and holiday preferences.
Forms and methods of teaching: Project and research work in small groups, followed by discussion,
individual, pair and group work. Mind Map. True or False? Task oriented learning. Active and
interactive teaching methods, Communicative method, Individual and group work