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Reading literacy
Instruction: Read the text carefully and do the tasks to the text correctly.

Hunting for treasure - the adventure of your life?
A. Everyone dreams of adventures involving tropical islands or old boxes filled with jewellery and coins found in the wrecks of sunken ships. For some people these dreams have come true.
It is because they really know where to look for treasure.
B. One of the best places for treasure hunting is the Atlantic Ocean just off the eastern coast of Florida. This part of the Florida coast is actually called Treasure Coast' because of the many Spanish wrecks buried in the ocean's sand among the coral reefs. These sixteenth-seventeenth- and eighteenth-century ships sailing from Mexico to Seville all carried gold, silver and precious stones. The galleons, as they were called, also transported Spanish soldiers and governors returning home from the colonies with their own personal collections of gold.
C. An amazing thing is that the majority of the ships sank not very far from the coast. The reason for this was their sailing route. There was only one narrow channel used for navigation which ran north-south between the massive and dangerous coral reefs. During sudden tropical storms or hurricanes which are common in late summer or early autumn, these galleons often broke into pieces.
D. In the second half of the twentieth century, a group of historians and navigation experts found records of shipwrecks in the Spanish archives, which indicate the location of each sunken galleon. Since then, the exploration of the sea bed has begun. First, there were scuba divers with metal detectors. Then, with the discovery of the first Spanish galleon in the early 70s, many companies became involved in the treasure hunting. They were looking for items like the ships' anchors, captains' diaries and obviously for gold, silver and coins.
E. Today, the hunt continues but it is an expensive game. It requires costly equipment and expert divers. It is time-consuming and exhausting work which requires long hours searching under water. Although it may be quite dangerous, the results of the search may be unbelievably rewarding.
8. What kind of weather made the ships fall apart?

  1. Tropical storms, hurricanes and sudden

  2. Sudden tropical storms and hurricanes

  3. Common hurricanes

  4. Massive and dangerous coral reefs

9. Why doesn't everybody go underwater treasure hunting nowadays?

  1. Because it's expensive and dangerous.

  2. Because it's dangerous.

  3. Because it requires expensive equipment.

  4. Because it requires expert divers.

10. What is the main idea of the text?

  1. Treasure hunting is rather time-consuming and exhausting work but for some people may come true and bring fantastic satisfying.

  2. Treasure hunting is a dream.

  3. Treasure hunting is a very popular activity among Spanish galleons.

  4. The exploration of the sea bed began in the second half of the twentieth century.

1. According to the text, Treasure Coast' is ....

  1. a part of the sailing route nowadays

  2. eastern coast of Florida in the Pacific Ocean

  3. tropical islands not far from Spain

  4. a part of the Florida coast where Spanish ships sank

2. In paragraph ... there is an answer to the question: Is treasure hunting a dream or a reality?

  1. A

  2. D

  3. E

  4. C

3. In paragraph ... there is an answer to the question: Is treasure hunting worth doing?

  1. E

  2. A

  3. C

  4. B

4. In paragraph D 'sea bed' means:

  1. coral reefs

  2. shipwrecks

  3. bottom

  4. coast

5. What statement is correct?

  1. Scuba divers didn't use metal detectors.

  2. Searching under water requires little time because of costly equipment.

  3. Records of shipwrecks in the Spanish archives indicate the location of each sunken galleon.

  4. There were several narrow channels used for navigation.

6. What statement is not correct?

  1. People who really know where to look for treasure can find jewellery, coins and other things.

  2. Buried gold, silver and precious stones are of Spanish soldiers and governors who were returning from colonies.

  3. The exploration of the sea bed started after finding records of shipwrecks in the Spanish archives.

  4. The galleons used to break into pieces and sink in late spring or early summer.

7. First Spanish galleon was discovered in ....

  1. the second half of the twentieth century

  2. the 16th - 18th centuries

  3. the seventeenth century

  4. the early seventies of the twentieth century

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