Х. ДосмҰхамедов

Н. А. Бонк, Котий, Лукьянова

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умк ин.яз A1-A2 -казахша ЖАУРОВА А.Б.

Н. А. Бонк, Котий, Лукьянова. Учебник английского языка. Москва-2016.

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Дроздова Т.Ю-Everyday English: учебное пособие для студентов гуманитарных вузов с углубленным изучением английского языка. - Издание шестое. - СПб.: Антология, 2015. - 656 с.

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700 classroom activities. David Seymour and Маrіа Ророvа. -UК.: Macmillian Еduсаtіоn, 2016 - 154 с

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Қосымша әдебиеттер


Алла Гасина.“Spoken English for beginners”, (аудиокассеты).

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Т.Ю.Дроздова, А. И. Берестова. “The whole world in our hands”. Издательство Химера. Санкт-Петербург-2015.

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А.П.Грызулина, Л.А.Воронцова. «Английский язык». Москва-2015

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The New Headway Elementary. Oxford University Press.

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Кэмбридж курс. The New Сambridge English course. Cambridge University. № 1, 2.

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КЕТ Теst: buіldег (pre-іntеrmеdіаte, іntеrmеdіаtе). Jасk Аllsор, JuditҺ Аsһ, Sаrаһ Масmіllаn, 2015.

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Straightforward Pre-Intermediate. Student’s Book. Macmillan, 2007

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Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig. Paul Seligson. New English File. Student’s book. Oxford University Press. Oxford-2015.

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«Грамматика и упражнений английского языка» Т.В.Барановская
Москва 2015 г

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Raymond Murphy: Basic Grammar in Use 4 Edition

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Family – people related by blood or marriage
Family tree – a map of the relationship of family members
Family circle – the closely related members of a family
Family doctor –practitioner
Family man – a man who is fond of home life/family
Family allowance – (in Britain) money paid weekly for each child
Family planning – controlling the number of children in a family
Run in a family – shared by several members of the family
Start a family – have one’s first child
Family name – surname
Hanging out – spending time together
Extended family – relatives in addition to your nuclear family
Relatives – family members
Only child – a child that has no siblings
Nuclear family – parents and siblings
Hectic – full of excitement, activity or confusion
A colleague – person working with another or others
A neighbor – person living in an hour street, etc near another
Acquaintance – knowledge or information gained through experience
Ambitious – full of ambition
Bald – having no or not much hair on the scalp
Ballet – dramatic performance by a group of dancers, without a dialogue or singing, illustrating a story
Boring – a boring evening
Boyfriend – favored male companion of a girl or woman.
Brave – ready to face danger, pain of suffering
Business partners – people who takes part with another or others in some activity, esp. who is engaged in buying and selling
Casual – happening by chance
Easy – going – (of persons) pleasant; tolerant; relaxed
Elderly – (of a person) old
Extrovert – person more interested in what goes on around him than in his own thoughts and feelings
Fat – white or yellow substance, oily or greasy, found in animal bodies; oily substance in seed;
Father- in-law – father of one`s wife or husband
Freckles – one of the small light-brown spots on the human skin
Generous – giving, ready to give , given, freely
Jazz – popular music first played by Negro groups in Southern USA in the early 20th century, characterized by improvisation and strong rhythms.
Loyal – true and faithful.
Classmate – friend in the same class
Clever – quick in learning and understanding things
Confident – feeling or showing confidence.
Cousin – child of one’s uncle or aunt
Coward – person unable to control his fear
Cunning – clever at deceiving
Curly – having curls
Date – statement of the time, day, month, year, one or all three of these, when something happened or is to happen.
Diving – the activity or sport of swimming. Under water usually using special breathing equipment.
Double chin – a fold of skin between the face and neck, caused by a layer of fat developing under the skin.
Grandmother – the mother of the father or mother
Son – in – law – your daughter‘s husband
Cousin – your aunt’s or uncle’s child
Daughter – a female child
Mother – in – law – the wife’s or the husband’s mother
A colleague – a person you work with
Sister – your mother’s daughter
A neighbour – a person who lives near you
Niece – your brother’s or sister’s daughter
Best friend – your closest friend
Son – a male child
Aunt – your mother’s or father’s sister
A pet – an animal that lives with the family
Grandfather – the father of the father or mother
Nephew – your brother’s or sister’s son
Father – in – law – the wife’s or the husband’s father
Middle-aged – the period of your life, usually considered to be from about 45 to 60 years old, when you are no longer young, but are not yet old.
Mother-in-law – the mother of your husband or wife.
Narrow – narrow things measure a small distance from one side to the other.
Nephew – the son of your brother or sister, or the son of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister.
Niece – the daughter of your brother or sister, or the daughter of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister.
Oval – in the shape of an egg or a slightly flat circle.
Overweight – too heavy or too fat.
Pale – if your face is pale, it has less color than usual because you are ill or frightened.
Plump – quite fat.
Punctual – arriving, doing something or happening at the expected, correct time; not late.
Reliable – able to be trusted or believed.
Roommate – someone who you share a room with.
Round – in the shape of a circle or ball.
Sense of humour – the ability to understand funny things and to be funny yourself.
Shabby – shabby behaviour or treatment is bad and unfair.
Siblings – sisters or brothers.
Single parent family – a family that includes either a mother or a father but not both.
Skinny – someone who is skinny is too thin.
Slim – someone who is slim is slim in an attractive way.
Son-in-law – your daughter’s husband.
Square – an open area with buildings around it, often in the center of a town.
Stand by – to be ready to do something or to help.
Start a family – to have your first child.
Take care of – to look after someone or something.
Tap dancing – a type of dancing where the dancer wears special shoes with pieces of metal on the bottom which makes a noise.
Bride – the woman who is getting married
Groom – the man who is getting married
Reception – party after the wedding service for everybody
Bridesmaid – females who are friends or relatives of the bride
Best man – the closest friend to the groom; he participates in the wedding ceremony
Honeymoon – place where the married couple goes after the wedding
Wedding ring – is a metal ring indicating the wearer is married
Wedding care – is the traditional care served at wedding receptions following dinner
Wedding bouquet – is a collection of flowers used extensively in weddings

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