Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция өткізу туралы АҚпараттық хат

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Информационное письмо Microsoft Word

The authors who wish to take part in the conference should prepare an article in accordance with the requirements, fill out the application and send it to the address given below by November 20, 2022. Before sending the materials of the article, it is recommended to check the text for uniqueness using the available anti-plagiarism software (the report should be attached). The acceptable level of originality is 70%.
The minimum volume of the article is 5 pages (including the list of references). The maximum volume of the article is 8 pages (including the list of references).
The preferred maximum number of authors of the article is 3 persons.

1. Editor: Microsoft Word or Open Office Writer.

2. Language – Kazakh, Russian, English.
3. Page size – А 4, portrait page orientation.
4. Page margins: Top – 2 cm; Bottom – 2 cm; Left – 1.5 cm; Right – 3 cm.
5. Font - Times New Roman, size – 14.
6. Single line space (1,0).
7. Paragraph indent: Left – 0; Right – 0; First line (break line) – 1,25 cm
8. Indicate the Interstate rubricator of scientific and technical information/Universal Decimal Classification in the upper left corner.
9. The first paragraph of the article: centered, bold, uppercase – Full name of the article.
10. The second paragraph of the article: centered, bold, italics – full name(s) of the author(s), academic degree, academic rank or title (of the authors) in full (font size 12).
11. The third paragraph of the article: centered, italics – city, place of work, country (abbreviations are not allowed) (font size 12) (see the sample below).
12. The fourth paragraph of the article: centered, italics – abstract (minimum 50 and maximum 100 words) and keywords (3-5 words)(in Kazakh/Russian/English)( font size 12)
13. The text of the article (font size 14): width alignment. Breaks of sections or pages, columns, and the use of sparse or compacted letter spacing are not allowed.
14. Texts with hard-to-read fonts, graphs, diagrams, pictures, etc. should be scanned and inserted into the article in the form of a picture with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
15. Automatic numbering of the list of references is not allowed. The numbering of the list of references shall be done manually.
16. The list of references (font size 12) is given at the end of the article according to the order of use of the literature in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5- 2008. References in the text to the relevant sources are made in square brackets: the number of the sources from the list of references and page, for example [5, p. 17]. The use of automated page references is not allowed.
17. Page numbering is not allowed.
18. The authors are responsible for the content of articles, the accuracy of the facts, quotations, statistical and other data, names, titles and other information contained in the article.

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