Unit 1. Branches of Law
1. Посмотрите на картинки, приведенные ниже. Что на них изображено? Как вы думаете, каким образом они связаны с понятием «право» и в курсе каких правовых дисциплин вы можете столкнуться с подобными проблемами и понятиями? Свой ответ обоснуйте. Начните ответ с одного из выражений, данных в рамке.
I think – я думаю
I suppose – я полагаю I believe – я считаю
If you ask me I’ll say that – если вы спросите меня, то я скажу, что To my mind – по моему мнению
In my opinion – по моему мнению
I’m not sure but it seems to me that – я не уверен, но мне кажется, что
2. a) Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим отраслям права:
International law
Financial law
Criminal law
Banking law
Employment law
Land law
б) Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим отраслям права:
Конституционное право
Семейное право
Административное право
Экологическое право
Гражданское право
Военное право
в) Соотнесите русские эквиваленты из левой колонки с английскими словосочетаниями из правой:
Налоговое право
Tax law
Договорное право
Copyright law
Предпринимательское право
Commercial law
Коммерческое (торговое) право
Intellectual property law
Таможенное право
Tort law
Корпоративное право
Corporate law
Деликтное право
Criminal Procedural law
Уголовно-процессуальное право
Business law
Авторское право
Customs law
Право интеллектуальной собственности
Contract law
3.Ответьте на вопросы:
1.Which branches of law from exercise 2 can be associated with the pictures above?
2.What do you think the basic branches of law are?
3.Which branches of law do you consider the most useful for potential lawyers?
4.Which branch would you choose as your major1? Why?
4.Прочитайте текст и найдите ответы на следующие вопросы:
1.Which courses do law students in the UK have to take?
2.Which optional courses can students take? What does their choice depend on?
3.What is a law clinic? How can a law clinic be useful for a future lawyer? Do you like the idea of law clinics?
4.How do law firms choose their employees?
Active Vocabulary
Core subjects – основные, профилирующие предметы
Optional courses – курсы по выбору
Sole practitioner – индивидуальный предприниматель; юрист, работающий сам на себя
Litigation and arbitration – судебные и арбитражные разбирательства
It usually takes three years to complete law degree programmes in the UK. These programmes typically include core subjects such as criminal law, constitutional law, administrative law, contract law, tort law, land law, etc. In addition, students are often required to take courses covering skills such as legal writing and legal research.
There are also optional (elective) courses available. Since many law students are going to become lawyers, they often choose courses that will be useful in their future career. Some students who want to run a small partnership
or to work alone as a sole practitioner in a small town may decide to take family law or employment law as their major. Those who are planning to work in a large law firm will consider subjects such as company law, commercial law and litigation and arbitration.
Many universities also offer courses on legal practice. Courses like these give students opportunity to experience the work of a lawyer before deciding on career in law. Another way of finding out more about law in practice is to get involved with a voluntary advice centre or a law clinic. These clinics offer free legal assistance to the local community and provide a useful introduction to the day-to-day work of a lawyer.
For students who wish to work in a commercial practice, knowledge of foreign languages is essential. When law firms hire recruits, they generally look at four things: education, personality, work experience and language ability. Since English is the language of the international legal community, law firms increasingly expect graduates to have a good command of English.
5.Определите, справедливы ли данные высказывания или нет. Исправьте неверные утверждения.
1.A course in company law is usually included in the core subjects at law schools in the UK.
2.Some law degree programmes offer courses in some of the important skills that lawyers need in order to do their work, such as legal writing and legal English.
3.Students don’t have a right to choose the field they want to practise in.
4.Students don’t get practical experience while they are studying at law schools.
5.Nowadays law firms expect students to be completely fluent in English.
6.Прочитайте описание правовых дисциплин, которые предлагаются студентам одного из высших учебных заведений. Как вы думаете, в какой стране находится данное учебное заведение? Почему вы так считаете? Сопоставьте описание с названием курса.
•Introduction to law
•Criminal procedure
•Civil procedure
•Contract law
•Constitutional law
•Criminal law
•Legal research
1.______________The course describes the nature of legal research. Students will analyse judicial opinions, apply legal concepts and rules and learn legal precedents. Special attention is given to writing memoranda and briefs.
2._______________The course describes general principles of the study of law. Students will develop certain basic skills such as reading, analysis and interpretation of statutes. They will discuss fundamental aspects of the legal process, e.g. how courts “apply laws” or main functions of law enforcement bodies.
3._______________Topics covered in this course include crimes against persons and property with special emphasis placed upon the law of homicide.
4._________________This course covers regulation of law enforcement conduct during the investigation of crimes. Topics include search and seizure, types of surveillance, identification procedure, etc.
5._________________This course covers the general principles of federal constitutional law, including distribution of authority between the national government and the state government; the judicial functions in constitutional cases; intergovernmental relations; the federal constitution and its amendments.
6._________________This course covers the process of litigation at the level of district courts and appeal at the level of Supreme Court. Students will study and analyze different procedural documents on state and federal levels.
7._________________The course covers the fundamental principles of formation, interpretation, performance and enforcement of legally binding agreements.
7.Ответьте на вопросы:
1.Which courses cover basic skills that students will need in their future career?
2.Do you have the same courses at your university?
3.What is the difference between these courses and the courses at your university?
4.Which course are you mostly interested in? Why?