Информатика кафедрасы Бакалавр дәрежесін алу бағдарламасы Шолу

BS Student Research Experience

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BS Student Research Experience

  • www.cs.kent.edu
  • Computer Science
  • An Individual Study course allows students to work on projects with professors for elective credit
  • Many opportunities for undergraduate involvement in faculty research projects
  • Combined Bachelors/Masters program
    • time savings of one or two terms

Faculty Research Project Areas

  • www.cs.kent.edu
  • Computer Science
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Bioinformatics and application to biotechnology
  • Cluster computing
  • Computer graphics and game Design
  • Database and data mining
  • Image processing
  • Internet application
  • Multimedia and programming languages
  • Networking, Internet Engineering, and distributed sensor networks
  • Software engineering
  • Parallel & distributed systems,
  • Visualization
  • Web based education

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