Issn 2072-0297 Молодой учёный Международный научный журнал Выходит еженедельно №2 (188) / 2018 р е д а к ц и о н н а я к о л л е г и я : Главный редактор

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«Молодой учёный»  .  № 2 (188)   .  Январь 2018  г.

Экономика и управление

Some of the above-mentioned countries who has a nom-

inal GDP of about $39.4 billion dollars or less is as populous 

as ten to eleven million population, countries like Jordan or 

Bolivia.  [4]

Another beautiful example would be Turkish Republic of 

Northern Cyprus. It is a small island with the population of 

almost three hundred and fourteen thousand. Northern Cy-

prus has nine universities with the 10th being in the works, 

according to the Higher Education Counsel.

With a total number of 63,000 students enrolled in these 

universities, of whom only 13,000, about 20 percent are 

Turkish Cypriots, another 35,000 are from Turkey, and other 

15,000 international students coming mainly from Africa, 

the Middle East and Central Asia. Mr. Gokcekus, the Yodak 

president, estimates that education contributes $875 million 

to the government»s $ 1.6 billion budget.  [5]

Moreover, the local trade chamber estimates that every 

student spends an average of $16,000 dollars per year in 

Northern Cyprus, a sizeable contribution to an economy 

whose per capita gross domestic product is $15,555 dollars 

according to its Foreign Ministry.  [5]

It proves that International students can contribute finan-

cially to the economy of any country tremendously if it is well 


Moreover, the other long-term benefits of practicing open 

door policy to International students are that we are going 

to share with them our language and culture, wisdom and 

knowledge and our values.

I believe that by showing a care to international students 

and sharing with them our culture, knowledge and by giving 

them a chance to learn our language we are placing into their 

hearts and mind love and care for our country.

If anyone asks me, how did the United States of America 

made it to the top and become one of the leading places for 

innovation and technology, business and investment, social 

and political stability and especially geopolitical success in 

its foreign policy, I would say that they have educated more 

international students than any other country did.

Every year The United States accepts millions of inter-

national students and educates them. Among them, there 

are future professors, inventors, mathematicians, scien-

tist, medical doctors, politicians, entrepreneurs and all other 

types of professionals.

These people most probably either return to their home 

countries and keep a good relationship with the United 

States or remain in the United States and help for the devel-

opment of the society.

Based on above-mentioned facts, more than 450,000 

workplaces were created or supported by International stu-

dents in the United States for the year of 2016–2017.

According to the article published in forbs, more than10 

percent of 400 billionaires of the United States are immi-

grants, among whom some of them started their life and ca-

reer in the United States as an international student.

Elon Musk, He grew up in South Africa and then immi-

grated to Canada at age 17. He landed in the US as a transfer 

student at the University of Pennsylvania, who has a net 

worth of $20.1 billion. His first big break came after he cre-

ated X. com, an online payment company that was merged 

into what later became PayPal, which was sold to eBay for 

$1.5 billion, in 2002.  [6]

Musk is well known for revolutionizing transportation 

both on earth and in space. He is a CEO and CTO of SpaceX, 

which is worth $20 billion and CEO and product architect of 

Tesla Inc, which is worth $48 billion, making it worthier then 

American pioneer car company Ford.  [7]

Another benefits of attracting more international students 

is that, they will continuously keep a good relationship with 

the country where they have been studying even after re-

turning to their home countries.

Since 2008, People»s Republic of China has realized the 

importance of International students. China has increased 

the number of government and provincial scholarships and 

grants to International students.

More international students are flocking to China than 

ever before. According to China»s Ministry of Foreign Af-

fairs, over 440,000 foreigners studied in China in 2016 — 

marking a 35 percent increase from 2012. China attracts 

more international students than any other Asian power and 

ranks third globally, behind the United States and the United 

Kingdom.  [8]

Based on the above facts and statistics, we can conclude 

saying that, international students can contribute to the de-

velopment of the country financially and intellectually. Rus-

sian Higher Institutions and Ministry of Education of Russian 

Federation has to come with minimal of 5 years work plans to 

increase the number of international students in the country.

They should create an online platform or a system where 

all the information on Russian higher institutions should be 

published, for example name and the location of the univer-

sity, short introduction, faculties and facilities, tuition and 

dorm fee expenses and last but not least grants and scholar-

ships offered to international students.

In addition, this system should be strongly monitored by 

Ministry of Education of Russian Federation and the team in 

charge of this platform should closely work with the students 

and in terms of guidance and assistance. Finally, the gov-

ernment should offer full and partial scholarships and grants 

to the outstanding international students throughout their 



1.  Jie Zong and Jeanne Batalova, May 12, 2016, «International Students in the United States» Migration Policy Insti-

tute, accessed December 10, 2017. https://www. migrationpolicy. org/article/international-students-united-states

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