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БӨЖ Theme:Sport in Human life
Fulfilled by:Abdymanap Darmen Accepted by: Aliphan Guljan ЖМА-211 Abdymanap Darmen
Sport in Human life Is sport important for humans? Some people will say yes to this question and some people will say that they are not interested in sports at all. But I think those people are not honest because sport is always in our life in different forms.In order to feel its presence in your life you don’t have to be a professional swimmer, a trainer or a football fan. We all do different physical activity. You can either ride a bike or jog in the park or simply walk fast to the shop and back. Even when you are cleaning your flat it is a sport in some way.However, usually sport is an exercising system and it is a contest. In other words sport is always closely connected to competition.Those people who do sports understand that this activity develops your body really well. These people get sick rarely and in general feel better because physical activity cheers them up.Another thing that might cheer you up is watching sports games. Even people in Ancient Greece knew about it and were very interested in watching the Olympic Games. Nowadays people are still interested in it and keep watching it on TV or go straight to the games to watch the competition. Sportsmen demonstrate their physical abilities as well as their intelligence. So when it comes to intelligence, chess tournament and video games competitions are considered sports as well. That’s why I believe that human’s life is closely connected to sports and that’s what makes life full and interesting.