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part of professinal
It is diffucult to
answer the guestion
Can you accept cross-curricular connections as an integral 
part of professional activities? 
Figure 1 
– The results of the questioning showing how far teachers of science at the secondary 
school realize the importance of cross-curricular connections in their professional activities
In addition, the study of physics in tandem with 
informatics should be based on the knowledge of 
students. In addition, the sufficiently long distance 
of applied material from the theoretical base, re
duces the effectiveness of students’ understanding 
of the theoretical aspects of the studied material and 
requires the repetition of the fundamental base. For 
students to understand the essence of the discover
ies of physicists, it is necessary to recall and repeat 
many concepts, phenomena and laws. Without this, 
the efficiency of information perception is decreased 
and the learning goals are not achieved. 
The second approach is the fractional one, 
which implies the distribution and localization of 
knowledge and problems through individual edu
cational topics at different stages of training. This 
approach has obvious advantages. With uniformed 
supply of material; less time spent; increasing mo
tivation when studying the correlated phenomenon. 
The fractional version provides close relationship 
between the theoretical materials of program and 
applied ones. Thus, two tasks can be solved at once: 
the studied theory is effectively consolidated and the 
material is perceived with awareness. In addition, 
with the fractional approach, a uniformed and dosed 
supply of local material is carried out throughout the 
entire module. After the presentation of the topic, 
a lesson of physics with elements of informatics is 
held, dedicated to the development of knowledge of 
physics and informatics. The disadvantages of the 
fractional variant of the distribution of the compo
nents of two different subjects include the limita
tions of organizational forms of training; temporary 
restrictions; content restrictions and the course loses 
its independence. Indeed, a fractional approach re
stricts the types of students’ activities. The imple
mentation of excursions, workshops seems prob
lematic and difficult due to program and time con
straints. In addition, it is impossible to reflect all the 
diversity of components. This lack of freedom can 
lead to a tight, truncated and artificial course. To 
overcome the disadvantages of two approaches and 
find reasonable compromises, the following actions 
are possible. It covers the creation of integrated 
course; increasing the share of students’ indepen
dent design, research project; additional repetition 
and generalization of the main theoretical material; 
conducting the summary lessons at the end of the 
module. It seems effective to create an integrated 
course based on subject modules and interdisciplin

Methods of implementing interdisciplinary links between physics and computer science
ary connections. Thus, the problem of lack of study 
time is partially solved. In addition, it is necessary 
to increase the proportion of students’ independent 
work through project activities and research work. 
Independent work of students allows the solving of 
several interrelated tasks: to increase the awareness 
of the material being studied, to carry out the edu
cational role of teaching, to save educational time. 
Even the best educational programs, manuals and 
other materials are not enough for the successful 
implementation of the goals of the learning process. 
The learning process is a living organism that func
tions dynamically and the basic laws of this process 
are determined by the main fundamental elements – 
teaching methods (L.A.Tsvetkova, 1981) [9].
In pedagogical theory, many approaches have 
been developed to consider the concept of teaching 
methods. Our task is to consider the main teaching 
methods and their specific features in relation to the 
physics and informatics course and various forms of 
its distribution in the educational process of a higher 
educational institution. When implementing an edu
cational program for physics and informatics, one 
cannot rely only on traditional methods (
kaya I.S., 
1996) [10]. This problem can be solved by 
such modern methods as differentiated teaching and 
collective peer learning. The introduction of such 
methods into practice assumes that the main result 
of training will be in the transformation of the indi
vidual picture of the world, which should shape the 
student’s mind.

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