Журнал жылына 4 рет жарыққа шығады (наурыз, маусым, қыркүйек, желтоқсан) иб №15211

Knowledge assessment of students’

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 Knowledge assessment of students’
Kazakh Language acquisition by using Qualimetric methods
In the article, the authors present new ideas in the field of qualimetry of modern pedagogy, aimed 
at identifying the only clear way to provide quality education to the competitive educated generation 
of Kazakhstan. The article is devoted to the problems of pedagogical qualimetry, which clarifies its sci-
entific significance, and its practical significance is explained by the definition of criteria for assessing 
the level of proficiency of students in the Kazakh language by classification. The authors describe the 
application of the concept of qualimetry in the field of pedagogy, the development and formation of the 
science of pedagogical qualimetry, its relationship with other disciplines, its components. It should be 
noted that in the system of secondary education there was no real system of assessment certification, 
which determines the level of knowledge, proficiency, application of the Kazakh language, developed in 
advanced methods and techniques, and provides qualimetric criteria for the first developed assessment 
in the pedagogical and philological science of the country. In accordance with international standards 
for assessing the level of language proficiency, the criteria that must be taken into account in the assess-
ment of reading, listening, speaking and writing skills are classified, and the reason for calling the act of 
speaking ‘communicative acts’ is justified. The authors provide new analysis in the field of pedagogy by 
applying international methods of quality certification to assess the quality of education, which leads to 
effective results in production. In determining the level of language proficiency of a person, the peculiari-
ties of the language studied are taken into account. The authors make a valuable contribution to science 

Б.Б. Динаева және т.б. 
in the article, which pays close attention to the nature of the Kazakh language and defines the criteria for 
assessing the communicative competence of the individual.
Key words:
pedagogical qualimetry, communicative competence, skills, assessment, criteria.
Б.Б. Динаева
*, И.У. Сагиндиков
, Г.Ж. Убайдуллаева
Astana IT University, Казахстан, г. Нур-Султан
Национальная академия образования имени Ы. Алтынсарина, Казахстан, г. Нур-Султан
 *e-mail: dbb-31.05.kz@inbox.ru 

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