Кафедра языковых дисциплин

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Кафедра языковых дисциплин

Mid-term control 2

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Variant-1 “Liquid medical forms”

  1. Complete the sentence.

… is a liquid extract obtained by steeping or soaking any substance in water without boiling.

  1. A tincture b) An infusion c) A tincture d) A mixture

e) A solution

  1. Complete the sentence.

… is an alcoholic or hydro-alcoholic solution of nonvolatile drugs of plant or animal origin.

  1. A tincture b) An infusion c)A tincture d) A mixture

e) A solution

  1. Complete the sentence.

… is a preparation for medical or other purposes consisting of two or more ingredients mixed together (cough mixture).

  1. A tincture

  2. An infusion

  3. A tincture

  4. A mixture

  5. A solution

  1. Complete the sentence.

… is a liquid preparation made by boiling a medicinal plant with water. Usually 5 parts of a drug are used to 100 parts of water.

  1. A tincture

  2. An infusion

  3. A tincture

  4. A mixture

  5. A decoction

  1. They are for internal (Nitroglycerin) or for topical (nasal, eye, ear) application.

  1. An infusion

  2. A tincture

  3. A mixture

  4. A decoction

  5. A drops

  1. Put the prepositions

Tinctures as a medicinal form were introduced … Galen.

  1. For b) With c) By d) Without e) On

  1. Complete the sentence.

Solutions are …….dosage form

  1. Soft

  2. Biphasic

  3. Triphasic

  4. Solid

  5. Liquid

  1. Complete the sentence.

Aromatic waters are saturated … of slightly soluble volatile
substances in distilled water.

  1. Mixtures

  2. Triphasics

  3. Tinctures

  4. Solutions

  5. Softs

  1. Answer the question. How many ingredients are there in the mixture?

  1. two or more b) one or more c) zero d)five e)six

  1. How many parts of medicated material are used to 100 parts of water?

  1. 5 parts b)6 parts c)7 parts d)8 parts e)10 parts

  1. Complete the sentence.

A liquid that is homogenous is called … . 

  1. A tincture

  2. An infusion

  3. A decoction

  4. A mixture

  5. A solution

  1. Complete the sentence.

Tinctures are concentrated liquid herbal extracts made … … and used as herbal medicine. 

  1. from animal fats

  2. from plants

  3. from dairy products

  4. from food

  5. from water

  1. Complete the sentence.

Solutions are manufactured in … .

  1. Tube b) Ampules c)Boxes d) Bottles e) Baskets

  1. Put the prepositions

An ampule is a small narrow necked glass vessel hermetically sealed … holding sterile solutions … injections.

  1. For, for

  2. With, for

  3. By, for

  4. Without, for

  5. For, on

  1. Which word is the extra one for this group of words?

  1. infusion b) ointment c) tincture d)mixture e)decoction

  1. Which word is the extra one for this group of words?

  1. Tablets b) Powder c)Pill d) decoction e) Candles

  1. Which word is the extra one for this group of words?

  1. Ointments b) Salves c)Tinctures d)Liniments e)Suppositories

  1. Pick the correct word.

  1. liquid homogenous mixture

  2. licuid homogenous mixture

  3. liquid homogenous mikture

  4. liquid homoqenous mixture

  5. liquid homogeneus mixture

  1. Pick the correct word.

  1. Aplication b)Application c)Applikation d)Appliecation e)Applicotion

  1. Pick the correct word.

  1. fresh juice of plant

  2. fresch juice of plant

  3. fresh juike of plant

  4. frech juice of plant

  5. fresh juiece of plant

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