This work is a continuation of a articles’ series published in the bulletins of Abai Kazakh National pedagogical
university, series “Historical and socio-political Sciences”, №2(57), 2018 [1] and the Turan University, №3 (79),
Our President N. A. Nazarbayev in his program article “A look into the future: modernization of public
consciousness” set the task to find in Kazakhstan sacred places associated with outstanding personalities and
outstanding events, including to attract foreign tourists to Kazakhstan. Having studied the materials of the Kazakh
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің ХАБАРШЫСЫ, «Тарих және саяси-әлеуметтік ғылымдар» сериясы, №3(58), 2018 ж.
1. In the territories of Almaty region along the route Almaty – Ust-Kamenogorsk, or in the territories of East
Kazakhstan or Pavlodar regions in the Irtysh river basin offer to build a magnificent monument to Alexander the
great-the great commander, who was the famous ancestor of the Turkic – Kazakh people.
2. In one of the squares of Almaty or in the picturesque places of Almaty region to build a magnificent
monument to the first Apple tree and the first people of the planet, we will certainly get another sacred point on
the geographical map of the world.
3. In the history of well-known fact, which can be attributed to myths or legends, that when the sword fell from
the sky, none of the soldiers of Attila could not remove it from the ground. He succumbed only to the power and
will of the Hun king. On the blade was written: “Eskini endir”. It was a kind of order of Heaven, addressed to
Attila, that he went to the West and restored the old, good order in the Roman Empire mired in debauchery and
lies. So why do not we build a Grand monument in the form of a 20-meter sword, deeply embedded in the ground
and keeping the secrets of the greatness of the Gunn commander. We are sure that there will be another sacred
place on the map of Kazakhstan, which will be visited with great pleasure by tourists from all over the world,
because Attila is a famous and favorite character of many famous legends and myths, cultivated by Europeans,
including Germans.
We hope that after their arrangement, our state will get new opportunities to expand its fame in the world and
attract foreign tourists to the country.
Key words: tourism, history, great ancestors, monuments, Kazakh people, Irtysh, territory, sacred places, great
Steppe, KZ – factor, KZ-postulate
Введение. Один из соавторов данной работы [3] ввел в научный оборот две философские категории:
KZ – фактора и KZ – постулата. Наличие KZ–фактора на определенной территории и в определённое
время означает доказательство завоевания данной территории кочевниками Великой Степи. В случае
наличия KZ – фактора вступает в силу KZ – постулат, согласно которому все выдающиеся личности,
родившиеся на этой земле и в данное время, ставшие великими государственниками, полководцами,
учеными, поэтами, писателями и т.д. будут принадлежать представителям тюркской среды.
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