Code of module: NLT 7
Name of module: New learning technologies
Name of the discipline: Modern educational technology
Prerequisites: Pedagogy
Post-requisites: Writing and defending a thesis (project) or passing a comprehensive exam Рurpose: The study and development of modern educational technologies used in educational institutions in the process of teaching biology.
Brief description: Examines the sections: Modern methods and technologies of teaching. The content, system and basic principles of building a modern school course. Non-standard lessons.
Learning outcomes: Knows modern educational technologies used in the process of teaching biology at school. Able to apply a variety of educational technologies in accordance with the goals educational process. Owns the techniques for developing and implementing methodological models, techniques, technologies and
teaching methods, to the analysis of the results of the process of their use in educational institutions of various types.
Formed competencies: - willingness to design new learning content,
technologies and specific teaching methods
- willingness to use modern technologies
diagnostics and evaluation of the quality of educational
- the ability to shape the educational environment and
use your abilities in the implementation of tasks
innovative educational policy
- ability to lead research work
Модуль коды: ТАЖ-5
Модуль атауы: Тірі организмдердің жіктелуі
Пән атауы: Омыртқалылар зоологиясы
Пререквизиттері: Омыртқасыздар зоологиясы
Постреквизиттері: Адам және жануарлар физиологиясы