Конструкциялық материалдар және термоөңдеу Конструкционные материалы и термообработка Constructional materials and heat treatment Учебное пособие для специальности: 5В071200– «Машиностроение»

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Carbonaceous qualitative steel
Carbonaceous qualitative steel have smaller in comparison with steel ordinary 
quality the content of harmful impurity and nonmetallic inclusions. Deliver them 
in the form of hire with the guaranteed mechanical properties and a chemical 
Steel mark two-place numbers which designate the content of carbon in the 
100-th shares of percent. On de-oxidation level steel subdivide on rimming steel 
(rs), semi-killed (sk), killed (without the indication of an index). The letter G in 
brands of the ssteel indicates the raised content of manganese (to 1 %). 
Carbonaceous qualitative steel apply in mechanical engineering to 
manufacturing by a method of punching of details of bodies of cars, cases and 
casings (steel 08rs, steel 05rs, steel 10rs), welded designs, tanks, capacities, 
pipes of average durability (steel 08ks, steel 10ks), the low-loaded cogwheels of 
cams of axes (steel 10, steel 20, steel 25). 
Application of special methods of processing (training, normalization) allows 
to use carbonaceous qualitative steel for manufacturing of the details testing 
cyclic loadings (steel 40, 45, 55, 60). Steel with the raised content of carbon and 
manganese (steel 65,70, 75, 80, 60Г, 70G) apply as the spring and spring. 

Carbonaceous tool steel
The tool steel intended for manufacturing of the cutting and measuring tool. 
The main criteria of a choice of steel for manufacturing of the cutting tool are 
it wear-and heat resistance, and also steel should possess the hardness exceeding 
hardness of the processed material, and high durability in a combination to 
sufficient viscosity. 
Carbonaceous steel of the brands U7, У8, У10, У11, У12 of ordinary quality 
or high-quality apply when manufacturing tool to cutting of materials of low 
hardness with small speeds. 
U9 steel is applied to manufacturing of the woodworking tool. 
Steel U10, У11, У12 is for manufacturing of the metal-cutting tool: cutters, 
drills, taps, dies, files. 
Steel U8, У9, У10 are applied when manufacturing the measuring tool - 
brackets, calibres etc. 
Carbonaceous steel of a special purpose. 
This group of steel with high technical characteristics (the raised workability 
cutting, a good fusability etc.). They are intended generally for manufacturing of 
products of mass production. 
Automatic steel with the raised content of sulfur and phosphorus have a good 
workability cutting. When processing such steel on automatic machines short 
and small shaving is formed, the expense of the cutting tool decreases and the 
roughness of the processed surfaces decreases. Automatic steel mark the letter 
"A" and in the figures showing the average content of carbon in the 100-th 
shares of percent. Apply the following brands of automatic steel: А12, А20, 
А30, А40Г. A12 steel is applied to produce the irresponsible details, all other 
brands of automatic steel are suitable for manufacturing of the responsible 
details working at considerable tension and elevated pressures. They steel don't 
apply for manufacturing of welded designs. 
Boiler steel is applied to manufacturing of details and the devices working under 
pressure (steam coppers, ship fire chambers, chambers of burning of gas 
turbines, etc.). They work at variable pressure and temperature to 450?С, well 
cook. For obtaining such properties into carbonaceous steel enter a technological 
additive (titan) and in addition de-oxidize with aluminum. Let out the following 
brands of carbonaceous boiler steel: 12К, 15К, 16К, 18К, 20К, 22К with the 
content of carbon 0,08-0,28 in them %-also deliver in the form of sheets in 
thickness to 200мм. 

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