Курсовая работа по модулю/дисциплине «Инжиниринг кип» на тему: «Fire and Gas Detection Philosophy»


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Батырбек Кип


2.1 Scheme of fire and gas detectors

Detector sensors are fire technical means that transmit a notification of a fire to a receiving and control device. Usually, round white boxes that are mounted on the ceiling are equipped with several sensors. Detectors are installed on various objects and are used taking into account the environment in which they will be located. Modern fire alarm detectors are installed in houses, apartments, public places, offices and enterprises.

The fire protection system can notify the fire service about a minor fire in time. If the alarm system is additionally connected to the fire extinguishing system, that the fire source will be extinguished in a matter of seconds after the sensor detects a potential threat.
The detectors of fire systems work according to the same formula. When there is smoke in the room, gas or flame appears, the sensors react by sending a signal to the receiver. When the signal is processed and a threat is detected, a command to start a sound siren comes to the detector, and information about a fire in a certain sector comes via the network to the dispatcher's control panel.
Substandard detectors are considered units that identify only fire. High-quality devices include devices equipped with several blocks that react to various precursors of ignition (smoke, gas, heat). The sensor reads the quality of air flows, increasing safety in case of fire.

Figure 5. Scheme of building with fire and gas detectors

A dental clinic with a total area of 827.8 m2, located on the 1st and 2nd floors of a multi-storey residential building, is subject to protection. The polyclinic is designed to be visited by 100 people. The height of the premises is 3.0 m. The protected premises are separated from the residential part of the building by fire barriers. Degree of fire resistance - II. Constructive fire hazard class – C0. Functional fire hazard class – F3.4.

All premises are subject to APS protection, except those specified in P.A.4 SP5.13130.2009. According to paragraph 11 of Table 2 SP3.13130.2009. the protected object belongs to the 3rd type of SOWE.
Ventilation of protected premises is natural. The premises are heated.
The designed system performs the following functions:

  • detection of fires;

  • generation of "FIRE", "MALFUNCTION" signals;

  • formation of an audible alarm signal in case of fire;

The principle of operation. When the automatic fire smoke detectors are triggered, the information is sent to the reception and control fire alarm device "Signal-20P SMD".
When one detector is triggered, an "ATTENTION" signal is generated. When 2 or more automatic fire detectors are triggered, an audible alert is activated, a "FIRE" signal is issued by the central device (control and control panel "S2000M"). The time interval between the signal "ATTENTION" and "FIRE" is 10 seconds.
Composition and placement of equipment. As equipment for automatic installation of fire alarm systems, the equipment of the company NVP "BOLID" (Russia) is accepted, including:

  • Controller of two-wire communication line S2000-CDL;

  • Control and control panel S2000M;

The choice of the type of fire detectors is made depending on the purpose of the premises, the type of fire load and the fire factor at the initial stage of the fire.
When choosing fire detectors, environmental conditions, features of technological processes, the likelihood of ignition and the dynamics of its development are taken into account.
As technical means of fire detection in protected areas, the following are accepted:
For rooms in which the occurrence of a fire is accompanied by the release of aerosol products of thermal decomposition, smoke detectors optoelectronic addressable analog IP 212-34A are provided.
To provide a notification of the occurrence of a fire with visual detection of fires, as well as to start a booster pumping station for fire extinguishing, manual address fire detectors IPR 513-3AM are provided.
When the 1st or more automatic fire detectors are triggered, a voice alert is activated, a "FIRE" signal is issued by the central device (control and control panel "S2000M").
The area controlled by a single point smoke detector, as well as the maximum distance between the detectors and the detector and the wall must be determined,but not exceeding the values specified in the technical specifications and passports for specific types of detectors.
In order to isolate the short-circuited sections with subsequent automatic recovery after removing the short circuit in the fire alarm loops, the project provides for the use of branching-isolating "Breeze" blocks. The topology of the wiring of fire loops "tree" is used in the project.
If it is impossible to mark the detectors on the ceilings, place them on steel cables under the ceiling.
In accordance with paragraph 13.13.2 of SP5.13130.2009, manual fire detectors should be installed in places remote from electromagnets, permanent magnets and other devices, the impact of which may cause spontaneous operation of a manual fire detector (the requirement applies to manual fire detectors, which are triggered when switching a magnetically controlled contact), at a distance of:

    • no more than 50 m apart inside buildings;

    • at least 0.75 m from other controls and objects that prevent free access to the detector.

In accordance, manual fire detectors should be installed on walls and structures at a height of (1.5 ± 0.1) m from ground level or floor to the control body (lever, button, etc.).
In accordance the illumination at the installation site of the manual fire detector must be at least normative for these types of premises.
Smoke protection equipment, general exchange ventilation and air conditioning, engineering equipment involved in ensuring the fire safety of the facility, as well as the formation of commands to turn off the power supply of consumers, interlocked with fire automation systems, it is allowed to be carried out when one fire detector is triggered that meets the recommendations set out in Appendix R. In this case, at least two detectors connected according to the logical scheme "OR" are installed in the room (part of the room). The placement of the detectors is carried out at a distance of no more than the standard.
The S2000M device provides reception and processing of alarm notifications and information from fire detectors and ensures the launch of a warning and evacuation management system in case of fire, as well as an indication of system status messages using the information board of the S2000M control panel.
The controller of the two-wire line and the control device should be installed on a wall made of non-combustible materials in the control room. It is allowed to install equipment on structures made of combustible materials, provided that these structures are protected by a steel sheet with a thickness of at least 1 mm or other non-combustible sheet material with a thickness of at least 10 mm in the room 37. In this case, the sheet material should protrude beyond the contour of the installed equipment by at least 0.1 m.
The controller of the two-wire line and the control device should be placed in such a way that the height from the floor level to the operational controls and indication of the specified equipment meets the requirements of ergonomics.
Fire alarm loops should be made with a KPSEng-FRLS 1x2x0.5mm wire laid on ceilings and walls in a PVC box. The passage of the loops behind the suspended ceiling is carried out in a corrugated pipe.
Laying cables and wires through building structures should be carried out in steel pipes. After laying the cable, seal the sleeve with a fire-resistant easily removable material.
The project provides for the Octave system as a voice notification system. The sound signal level must be at least 15 dBA higher than the permissible sound level of constant noise in the protected areas. The number and location of voice announcers is determined in accordance with SP3.13130.2009 by the level of constant noise
The Octave notification system is built on a modular principle. The main elements of the system are:

  • remote control (VPU-4), which provides notification management and integration with the system of wired broadcasting and notification of emergency and emergency signals.

  • notification control device (PUO "Octave-80TS"), which generates control signals for the system amplifiers, controls a digital tape recorder built into the PUO, a built-in microphone;

  • amplifier (Octave-80B), acting as terminal amplifiers for voice sirens;

  • wall mounted voice annunciators AS-3-30 NM;

  • external microphone VM-1.

Vertical laying of cables and wires through building structures
As light sounders "EXIT", light sounders "OPOP 1-8M" are provided. They are located on the evacuation routes and are switched on constantly.
Fire alarm light "Exit" work in continuous mode and are connected to devices for monitoring communication lines and starting relay-precision UCLSiP (RP). In turn, the UCLSiP is supplied with power from the BRP, and the signal output of the UCLSiP (RP) about the malfunction is connected to the Signal-20P SMD control panel. The UCLSiP device monitors the loops of light sounders for breakage and short circuit and transmits a "Signal-20P SMD" message about malfunctions in the loops of light sounders.
Considering that the efficiency of the installation is significantly influenced by the architectural features of the premises, it is not allowed to take the following actions without the consent of the project developer:

  • change the purpose of protected premises;

  • perform redevelopment of protected premises;

  • Install internal partitions, suspended ceilings in protected areas;

  • install shelving, boxes, technological platforms with a width of more than 0.75 m in protected areas, having a solid structure and spaced at the lower mark from the ceiling at a distance of more than 0.4 m;

  • install shelving, stacks of materials, equipment in protected areas, the upper edges of which are 0.6 m or less away from the ceiling;

Additionally, it is recommended to provide:

  • timely performance of maintenance and repair of the installation by an organization that has the necessary license;

  • availability of job descriptions of the service personnel, knowledge of the installation operating instructions by the personnel.

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