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Даристер жинагы (1)

state functions - is a subject of reference related to the powers of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan the state, its bodies and holders of public office.
Thus, under the functions of the state is understood the main directions of its activities, by which the State implemented the appointment **.

The definition of "corruption", the terms "individuals" and "legal persons."

Individuals - are citizens who are members of civil relations or carriers civil rights and obligations. Individuals can own economic assets, make deals, to meet the obligations ***.


* Примечание: В зависимости от характера правонарушения, степени тяжести наступивших последствий, субъекта (лица) совершившего правонарушение, размера и характера нанесенного деянием ущерба (вреда) коррупционные правонарушения влекут разную ответственность. Эта ответственность подразделяется на дисциплинарную, административную и уголовную.
** См.: Юридический словарь. – М.: Институт новой экономики, 2007. – С. 1113.
*** См.: Там же, с. 327.
Legal entities - are institutions, enterprises or
organizations acting in public circulation as a separate (special) support civil rights and duties. They may have in the property, economic management or operational management of separate property and that property must meet its obligations. You must have an independent balance or an estimate*.

Thus, the concept of "corruption" and "corruption offenses" are together in a logical and genus-species communication.

Furthermore, corruption offenses and corruption offenses - the terms are not interchangeable.

Corruption offenses listed in Chapter 15 of the Criminal Code, contain as a corruption-related crimes and other offenses against the interests of public service and public administration.

However, the contents of Chapter 15 of the Criminal Code list of corruption offenses is not limited. As previously mentioned, the list of corruption offenses significantly expanded the list of crimes of corruption, given in claim 29 Article 3 of the Criminal Code.

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