Методические рекомендации к написанию курсовых работ по базовым и профилирующим

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Метод реком к курсовм работам

Методические рекомендации к написанию курсовых работ по
базовым и профилирующим дисциплинам

Курсовая работа – это научное исследование бакалавра по одной из учебных дисциплин.

Данная работа состоит из титульного листа, списка заданий, содержания, введения, основной части, которая включает теоретическую и практическую части с результатами исследования, выводы и списка использованной литературы.
Курсовая работа предполагает разработку научно-понятийного аппарата к теме курсовой работы, который составляет содержательную часть Введения.
Во Введении формулируются и раскрываются следующие научные понятия к теме работы: тема, актуальность темы, новизна темы, цель научной работы, задачи научной работы, предмет исследования, объект исследования, рабочая гипотеза.
Пример Введения к курсовой работе по дисциплине «Методика преподавания английского языка в средней школе».


Тема научной работы «Advantages of pair and group work at the English lesson» предполагает нетрадиционную интерпретацию методики преподавания
Актуальность проблемы научно-исследовательской работы определяется аспектом исследования.
Новизна исследования:
Цель работы:
Объект исследования
Предмет исследования.
Гипотеза исследования:
Задачи исследования:
Методы исследования:
Практическая значимость.
Структура работы:
К работе прилагается список использованной литературы.
The main aim of a foreign language as a subject of school education is the formation of communicative competence, one of the most effective ways of its formation is group work and pair work. In addition, these forms of work helps to develop all four types of skills increase the number of oral practices and eliminate one of the classroom system – the inability to give each student a sufficient amount of practice. Group work and pair work increases the diversity of the curriculum and helps to stimulate motivation to learn.
The activities of teachers in the classroom include the choice and application of forms that correspond to the true goals and objectives of the educational process. One of the form is group and pair work in the classroom, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational process and to reveal the student’s attitude to the world, classmates and himself.
The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that when working individually with a teacher, it is difficult to make the course dynamic and variable. If there is a group of students in front of the teacher, he can provide them with more different tasks and exercises. In other words, work in a group and in pairs, as well as various games, competition, debates and discussions.
The research problem is assessment process, as well as the role and organization of pair and group work in foreign language courses, serve as a means of developing students’ communication skills.
The aim of the research is to analyze the pair and group work of students in the classroom.
The object of this research is the process of teaching a foreign language, which is aimed at the formation and development of communicative competence using pair and group teaching methods.
The subject of the research is the characteristics of pair and group learning, as well as a set of exercises for organizing students’ activities in the framework of pair-group work in foreign language lessons.
Research objectives:

  1. Describe the groups and pair exercises.

  2. Study skills in pairing and group activities.

  3. Expand the principles of pair and group work.

  4. Consider the distribution of pairs and groups.

  5. Explore the advantages of pair and group work in English lessons.

To solve the indicated objects, the following research methodswere used:

  • Research and analyze scientific literature in the field of psychology, foreign language teaching methods.

  • Analysis and generalization of foreign language teaching experience in the context of school education.

  • Pair learning and sum up learning experiences.

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