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– How can the countries of

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– How can the countries of 
the Eurasian economic union 
develop cooperation with 
other countries and integration 
– Development of integration 
processes emphasizes need for 
development of trade and economic 
relationship with all countries and 
regions of the world. There are 
already some positive prospectives 
of development of cooperation of 
the EEU with various integration 
associations and the states of Europe, 
Asia and America. 
More than thirty countries, 
among them – India, Egypt, Turkey, 
Iran, showed willingness to expand 
trade and economic cooperation 
with member-countries of the 
Eurasian integration process. The 
signing of the Agreement on 
creation of a free trade zone 
between the EEU and Vietnam which 
took place in Kazakhstan on the 29th 
of May, 2015 became one of the 
most important events of this year. 
It was the first international treaty on 
preferential trade terms signed by 
the EEU with the third party.
It should be noted that the free 
trade zone with Vietnam gives new 
opportunities for domestic producers 
which in the long term can occupy 
niches on the Vietnamese market. 
We expect that the free trade 
zone will facilitate to creation of co-
productions between Kazakhstan 
and Vietnam, to accumulation of 
volumes of mutual investments.
To the present it has been 
adopted eight priority directions on 
trade and economic cooperation 
with other countries within the 
Eurasian economic union. Among 
them are: the European Union, the 
CIS, the Pacific Rim, the Middle East, 
the Black Sea and Caspian regions, 
North, Latin America and Africa.
The European Union, China, India 
and Iran are of special interest for 
In general, more than 30 
countries show interest in 
cooperation with the EEU.
- How fully are the interests 
of our country respected and 
consulted by the supranational 
governing bodies?
– As you know, a basis of 
the Treaty on the EEU is the 
arrangements which were earlier 
signed by the states within 
functioning of the Customs union 
and the Common economic space. 
These arrangements allow us to 
interact entirely on the principles of 
sovereign equality and respect of all 
national interests of each integration 
process participant.
The EEU supranational governing 
body is EEK, and all decisions made 
by it are based on consensus. I will 
also note that the Treaty on the 
EEU possess a sufficient arsenal of 
tools providing the sovereignty 
and independence of any member-
state (the principles of the UN, 
consensus, hierarchy of bodies, equal 
representation of members of the 
EEK Board and officials).
Thus, a key mechanism for 
sovereignty preservation within a 
supranational body is consensus at 

қараша | ноябрь | november № 11 (23)
It means that no decision can 
be made without our consent. 
The consensus mechanism of 
strategically significant decisions 
making at all levels of integration is 
an effective system of checks and 
balances. It excludes any possibility 
of domination of any state.
– Is domestic business in 
the Eurasian economic union 
– The Eurasian economic 
union creates an extensive field of 
opportunities for domestic business.
Firstly, the establishment of the 
Customs union, the EEP and the EEU 
investment increased investment 
appeal of our country. 
In the Eurasian integration 
association Kazakhstan has a big 
advantage due to rather favorable 
conditions for business. 
We managed to build a quite 
effective tax system. At that it is 
rather stable and has an optimum tax 
burden for tax payers. 
Thanks to more liberal tax policy 
and investment climate, than the 
partners in the Eurasian economic 
union have, Kazakhstan has good 
chances to attract foreign capital and 
also capital from the EEU countries to 
creation co-productions. 
In particular, the Russian business 
is attracted to Kazakhstan by the 
favorable investment legislation and 
effective measures of businessmen 
support, and also, which is extremely 
important, by political and economic 
Therefore I believe that fears 
concerning uncompetitiveness 
of our producers in the EEU are 
So, export from Kazakhstan into 
the EEU member-states increased 
in general almost by 80% (about 3,6 
billion dollars in 2009 to 6,4 billion 
dollars in 2014). The share of the 
processed goods in the total amount 
of export into the EEU countries 
increased from 45% in 2009 to 60% 
in 2014.
At that end products export from 
Kazakhstan into the EEU member-
states from 2009 to 2014 increased 
by 3 times – from 36 million dollars 
to 107 million dollars respectively.
These figures clearly confirm 
possibilities of the Kazakhstan 
I especially want to emphasize 
that the Kazakhstan business 
community represented by the 
National chamber of businessmen 
of Kazakhstan actively participates in 
decision-making of the EEU bodies. 
Speaking about decisions of the EEU 
bodies, I would like to add that since 
the 1st of April of the current year it 
is conducted the Regulatory Impact 
Assessment (RIA) of all decisions 
connected with interests of business 
which will allow to make the 
weighed decisions.
Moreover, business communities 
of the EEU member-states created 
the Business council which will 
increase a role of business at 
decision-making. Thereby it facilitates 
to the development of the fair 
and healthy competition in our 
It should be noted that the 
Treaty on the EEU lays foundation 
of interaction in economic spheres, 
among which are power economy 
and pharmaceutics. 
In the conditions of continental 
«isolation» decrease in transport 
expenses is the major system 
aspect for economy growth and 
At railway transportation of goods 
from one state into the emerging 
countries through seaports of other 
state and in the opposite direction 
it is applied a unified (internal) tariff 
which is much lower than the transit 
one. As I have already mentioned, 
according to certain estimates 
Kazakhstani consignors can save 
up to 240 million dollars annually. 
Respectively, competitiveness of the 
Kazakhstani production on foreign 
markets will increase. 
Availability of transport 
infrastructure will promote 
strengthening of a transit role of 
Kazakhstan between Europe and 
One more major direction of 
cooperation is a sphere of power 
industry. It is planned to create a 
common power market by means 
of the national power markets 
integration of Belarus, Kazakhstan 
and Russia by 2019. It will allow to 
unlock an export potential of the 
Kazakhstani electrical power branch 
which by 2030 will have exceeded six 
billion kilowatt-hours.
It is provided that a common 
market of medicines on the basis 
of the GMP standards (good 
manufacturing practices) begins 
functioning on the 1st of January, 
2016. Such a market based on 
the international standards in 
addition to elimination of trade 
barriers will allow to provide the 
population with access to safe and 
qualitative medicines, will increase 
competitiveness of the Kazakhstani 
pharmaceutical enterprises on 
the world market. According to 
the estimates of the National 
chamber of businessmen, the 
largest pharmaceutical enterprises 
of Kazakhstan plan to increase the 
volumes of medicine export on these 
conditions to 360 million dollars a 
year in 2016. 
These figures confirm prospects 
of the developing integration 
process, its opportunity to increase 
competitiveness, modernize existing 
and create new productions in non-
oil sectors of the republic economy.

қараша | ноябрь | november № 11 (23)
The budget-2016 will be more social. The State 
Duma of the Russian Federation found additional 315 
billion rubles in the government draft document.  
Additional money was found «only due to optimization 
of budgetary funds, due to reduction of inefficient 
expenses», told to journalists Andrey Makarov (“United 
Russia”) - the head of the State Duma Committee on 
budget and taxes.
He specified that it includes funds which were in 
deposits and did not work for the national economy for 
many years.
In his turn, the head of the “United Russia” fraction and 
the vice speaker Vladimir Vasilyev told where exactly the 
found billions will be directed to. In particular, he noted, 
additional 170 billion will be directed on support of regions, 
50 billion will be invested for creation of new workplaces 
at schools and elimination of the third shift there, 43 billion 
will be sent for support of the Crimea and Sevastopol, and 
6,8 billion from it – for construction of the Crimean railroad. 
Besides, the money will be directed on support of physical 
training and sport in rural areas, development of science 
and modern technologies. Landowners are not forgotten 
as well – more than nine billion rubles will be allocated for 
their support. The remained 300 million are supposed to be 
allocated for development of regional mass media.
The vice speaker of the State Duma of the “United 
Russia”, the secretary of the Party General council Sergey 
Neverov emphasized that the budget-2016 allows to 
resolve those issues which regions and citizens of the 
country face with. 
Members of the budget committee, besides, approved 
the amendment which will expand parliamentary control 
of distribution of 500 billion rubles of the government 
Reserve fund. From now then the government will make 
the decision on use of reserve funds not individually, but 
together with the State Duma and the Federation Council.
Hereafter the destiny of unfinished buildings, 
abandoned houses and dachas, «nobody’s» land 
properties will be decided by local authorities. They 
will manage to find new lawful owners for them.
ЕIf the real estate has been registered in the State land 
registry for more than five years, and the owner has not 
appeared, so from the moment of the termination of this 
term the Federal Registration Service is obliged to inform 
local governments on it within 10 working days. And 
the latter, in their turn, are obliged to start procedure of 
recognition of objects as ownerless through the court with 
all the consequences that come with it.
Since the 1st of December, 2015 the new amendment 
to the law came into force. These amendments are 
connected with order of ownerless real estate objects 
registration. In the country it is, according to the expert 
estimates, a half of them. (There are no official statistics on 
number of ownerless objects data about which is registered 
in the State land registry. – Author`s note). And after the 
1st of March, 2018, the municipalities will be able to initiate 
the procedure of recognition of real estate as ownerless 
without waiting for owners. In this case they will receive 
the property right under the court decision. Innovations, 
however, will help the local governments to make by the 
«X» time a full picture of ownerless real estate on their 
territories and fully adjust in this sphere.
Generally amendments will be connected with interests 
of two categories of citizens. «Taciturn» successors who 
were too lazy to formalize documents in time, but they, 
nevertheless, use the property. And owners of so-called 
incomplete constructions – expensive private mansions 
which after completion of construction are actually used 
though formally are registered as objects of incomplete 
And if careless successors need to hurry to finish 
procedure of lawful inheritance in order to pay taxes for the 
received property, owners of incomplete constructions can 
be effectively fought by municipal authorities in order to 
force them to bear tax burden as well as other owners.
«Anyway, transfer process of ownerless objects into 
municipal property is conducted in a judicial proceeding 
and does not mean an automatic nationalization of 
property», – the deputy head of Committee on real estate 
of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian 
Federation Victor Zhurba explains to the «Rossiyskaya 
Gazeta» newspaper. 
By the way, the amendments to the Russian law specify 
also an order of  document delivery for the state registration 
of the rights for real estate. From now on officials are 

қараша | ноябрь | november № 11 (23)
obliged to do it. If for any reason a citizen decides to deliver 
documents for registration independently – the initiative is 
not forbidden. 
It is possible to verify data on an owner against common 
registration system on the site of the Federal Registration 
Service (www.rosreestr.ru) in the section ”Справочная 
информация по объектам недвижимости в режиме 
online” (Reference Information on Real Estate Objects in 
the Online Mode). It is possible to find data on registration 
characteristics of a real estate object (address, area, year of 
clearing for operation), and also all history of transition of 
the rights for a real estate object from previous years with 
the address or cadastral number of a real estate object.
As the press service of The Central Bank of the 
Russian Federation reports, citizens will be able to 
repay duties on rendering the state and municipal 
services, and also to make other payments on the 
Common Government Services Portal with use of 
information systems of any bank of the country.
Today these transactions are carried out by limited 
number of banks. The Central Bank of the Russian 
Federation proposed to provide all banks of the country 
with access of connection to a payment gateway of the 
Common portal for carrying out the certain payments. The 
initiative also concerns municipal services, possibility of 
fee payment and implementation of other payments on 
regional and departmental portals of the state.
It will allow to increase a stream of online payments 
into state and municipal budgets. Besides, such a step will 
increase the competition between emitting banks and 
will promote closer interaction of government bodies and 
financial structures, is told in the message of the Central 
Bank of the Russian Federation.
Our company carries out activities for warehousing 
and processing of freights. At present there was a 
question concerning storage of alcoholic products in 
our warehouses. If our company is not an importer and 
offtaker of alcoholic products, do we have to obtain the 
license for implementation of activities for storage and 
wholesale realization of alcoholic products if we only 
provide our rooms for storage? May we render our services 
in warehousing to clients – to the importers of alcoholic 
products having the license for storage and wholesale 
realization of alcoholic products in which the address of our 
object is specified without obtaining thus the above license 
in favor of our company? 
According to subitem 16) «About permissions and notices», 
for licensing separate kinds of activity or actions (operations) in 
spheres of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic 
products, production of tobacco products are subject to item 1 of 
Art. 28 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
According to subitem 11) of Art. 1 of the Law of the Republic of 
Kazakhstan of July 16, 1999 «About state regulation of production 
and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products» (further – 
the law), warehouse are the specialized stationary rooms and (or) 
platforms (for storage of ethyl alcohol) intended only for storage, 
reception and output of ethyl alcohol and (or) alcoholic products, 
conforming to qualification requirements.
According to subitem 17) of Art. 1 of the law, stationary rooms 
are capital buildings, constructions or their parts provided with 
water supply, power supply and sewerage, having the base and 
which displacement is impossible without causing damage to 
their loadbearing construction.
According to item 21 of Qualification requirements and 
the list of the documents confirming compliance with it, for 
implementation of activity in spheres of production of ethyl 
alcohol, production of alcoholic products, storage and wholesale 
and retail realization of alcoholic products (except for activities for 
storage and realization of alcoholic products in the territory of its 
production), the approved order of the Minister of Finance of the 
Republic of Kazakhstan of January 30, 2015 No. 60 prescribes the 
necessity of: 
existence of the warehouse intended only for storage, reception 
and the output of alcoholic products located out of buildings and 
in territories of the organizations of health care, education, sports 
and health improving, sports and technical constructions, gas 
stations, trade markets, cultural and leisure organizations on the 
property right or on the right of temporary possession (use), free 
use, and also not occupied with other licensee with providing to 
the copy the lease contract or free use – in case of the conclusion 
of these contracts for term less than one year.
According to Art. 581 of the Civil Code of the Republic of 
Kazakhstan on the contract for leasing a building or structure, the 
lessor shall be obliged to transfer for the temporary possession and 
use of the tenant building or construction. 
According to Art. 582 of this code, contract for leasing a 
building or structure shall be in writing by drafting a single 
document signed by the parties. 
On the basis of the stated above the lessor signs the lease 
contract where undertakes to transfer to temporary possession 
and use to the tenant a warehouse. Thus, the tenant needs to 
obtain the license for implementation of activities for storage and 
wholesale realization of alcoholic products.

қараша | ноябрь | november № 11 (23)
Belarus will master the western method of gross 
domestic product calculation and after that the GDP 
indicator of the country will increase.
Since the 1st of January, 2016 the National statistical 
committee will master the standard of GDP calculation 
recommended by the UN since 2008, reports the site of the 
The standard of national accounts-2008 has been 
adopted by the USA, Canada, the plan for introduction of 
CHC-2008 has been developed in each of the CIS countries.
Essentially new interpretation of a number of important 
economic operations is provided in the updated standard. 
It is a reflection of expenses on research activity, military 
expenses, services of financial mediation, services in 
accommodation in own apartments.
Today the majority of the countries which have already 
introduced the CHC-2008 included illegal activity into GDP 
volume. It is drug production and trafficking, prostitution, 
smuggling of alcohol and tobacco.
The main problem for the Republic of Belarus at 
analyzing of this direction is selection of objective sources 
of information. The assessment made on the basis of data 
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and expert assumptions 
showed the insignificant volume of such an activity. 
Therefore illegal activity will not be reflected as a part of 
According to new methodological approaches the 
absolute value of GDP for 2012 will increase by 3,4%, 
reported the National Statistical Committee of the Republic 
of Belarus for demonstration of a new method.
At the same time the department assured that growth 
rates of GDP will not change as methodological changes 
will concern GDP both in basic, and in reporting the periods.
At the present moment the highly charged 
question of inclusion of a value added tax into 
tariffs for the population is considered by the 
Administration of the President of Belarus. 
At the present time there is a so-called tax privilege 
for the population: organizations rendering services on 
gas and power supply include the VAT into expenses. If 
this privilege is cancelled, and the tax which makes 20% is 
included into tariffs for the population, it will be necessary 
to pay for light and gas more. The decision has not been 
made yet, reported the press service of the RB Ministry of 
Finance, however this measure is provided in a package of 
documents on a tax policy for the next year.
However, as it was emphasized in the Ministry of 
Finance, increase of utilities cost should not exceed the 
established rate of 5 dollars a year.
Increase of utilities tariffs for the population is 
provided by the program of reforms which the Belarusian 
government has to accept in order to receive the next loan 
from the International Monetary Fund.

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