mostly in places of bronchial branching.
2. Bronchopulmonary lymph nodes (nodi lymphoidei
bronchopulmonales) are located in the hilum. Their draining
lymph vessels go to tracheobronchial lymph nodes.
3. The superior and inferior tracheobronchial lymph nodes
(nodi lymphoidei tracheobronchiales superiores et inferiores)
are connected to trachea and superior
and inferior primary
bronchi. Their draining lymph vessels go to the nodi
lymphoidei paratracheales.
4. Nodi lymphoidei paratracheales are located along the
From the lung the lymph drains to the root of the lung and
before entering lymphatic duct passes through one of these
nodes. Most of the lymph is drained into the right lymphatic
duct (ductus lymphaticus dexter). From the inferior parts of
both lungs the lymph is drained by vessels which go through
lobes of pulmonary ligaments to the lymph nodes of posterior
mediastinum which are located along esophagus (nodi
lymphoidei juxtaoesophageales).
Lung innevation is provided by sympathetic and
parasympathic nerves. Sympathetic nerves cause bronchi
dilatation and vasoconstriction. Parasympathic nerves contract
bronchi, dilatate vessels, and increase secretion of mucous
The branches of vagus nerves and thoracic pulmonary
branches of sympathetic trunks
form the pulmonary plexus
(plexus pulmonalis) in the hila. It is quite important
reflexogenic zone which should be blocked by novocaine
during operations.
Lung nerves are connected with heart nerves by means of