Қоғам дамуының шешуі секторларында ақпараттық-коммуникациялық технологиялардың рөлі. Акт стандарттары

-lecture. Human-computer interaction

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о ам дамуыны шешуі секторларында а паратты -коммуникациялы те


Human-computer interaction.


            Computer (English: computer "counter"), a computer (electronic computer) calculations, and information on a predetermined algorithm receiving, processing, storage and output for the machine.


            The main activity of the initial stages of the PC era computer calculations that are considered.


            Information Society - the production and use of scientific, technical and other information society as a key factor in the development of the concept of social and futurology; a high level of production and is characterized by an interest in information and information services company.


            Processor and memory at the beginning of the description of the computer, as usual, the CPU (central processing unit, CPU) type and frequency. Further, the RAM (random access memory, RAM) description.



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