Қоғам дамуының шешуі секторларында ақпараттық-коммуникациялық технологиялардың рөлі. Акт стандарттары

-lecture Prospects for the development of information and communication technologies

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о ам дамуыны шешуі секторларында а паратты -коммуникациялы те


Prospects for the development of information and communication technologies.

The main sign of scientific and technical progress of the Republic of Kazakhstan - was to inform the society entered a new stage. At the moment, I want to move to a new stage of development of our society, this period is the period of information, all related to computers and information and communication technologies in all areas of the teachers poured into its natural environment. "Information and communication technologies in education" the concept of "innovative technologies", "teaching modern information technologies", "computer technology" and so on. b. is closely related to the mix.

            During the work with the innovative technology of electronic computing equipment, training, simulation, e-books use a computer, interactive whiteboard, use the Internet for work, computer-based training programs. Information and communication through the use of educational materials aimed at improving education. The fast-growing scientific and technical progress in all spheres of public life became the basis of the global process of informatization. Information in the economy, the pace of technological development and its people's standard of living, national security, will depend on the role of the state in the entire world community.

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