Қ.Жұбановатындағы Ақтөбе өңірлік мемлекеттік
Web service in the Cloud. Instruments of development of multimedia
Орындаған:Молдахмет Аида Ғабитқызы
ҚТӘ-101 топ
Тексерген:Медеуова А.Б
Cloud computing is a convenient environment for storage and processing
communication, also reverse speed users. Work in the "clouds" is aimed at disease
and performance improvement the work of enterprises. First of all – it is
innovative online services. They provide an opportunity to use the enormous
potential of the Internet of resources (disk space, memory, processing power, and
more). These technologies offer great opportunities for entrepreneurs, enterprises
of different ownership and direction, and for ordinary computer users. Working
with the new Internet services does not involve the purchase of a super-powerful
computers (for settlement), expensive programs and software, all of it you will
find in service at any time convenient for you. And that is much important that
the company absolutely no need to create a new unit to
retrain staff to work with
cloud services. The main condition for this type of service is the access to the
Internet.Let us see what are the different types of
cloud services by type of
There are many varieties of infrastructure management in a cloud
environment. "Infrastructure as a Service" (Infrastructure-as-a-Service, IaaS) is
mainly provided on demand based on modern computing technologies and high-
speed networks. "Communication as a Service" (Communication-as-a-Service,
73 CaaS). "Software as a Service" (Software-as-a-Service, SaaS), such as
Amazon.com with
their elastic cloud platform, features, benefits, and
architectural level of service. Let's explore the key features of using external
sources/resources (outsourcing), available as "Platforms as a Service" (Platforms-
as-a-Service, PaaS).
As technology migrates from the traditional on-premises model to the new
cloud model, service offerings evolve almost daily. Web service offerings often
share many common characteristics. Often, only minimal costs are required from
the client to receive the service. Scalability is assumed for each of the offer types,
but this is not always necessary. Many of the "cloud" vendors are still working
on using scalability, because their users do not yet need this type of service.
Finally, device and location independence allows
users to access systems no
matter where they are or what devices they use.