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пр Кәсіби Бағыт шет елтілі 2020ж шы к

Problem training - such form in which process of knowledge of pupils approaches search, research activities. Success of problem training is provided with common efforts of the teacher and trainees. The main objective of the teacher - not so much to transfer information how many to acquaint listeners with objective contradictions of development of scientific knowledge and methods of their permission. In a cooperation with the teacher pupils "open" for themselves new knowledge, comprehend theoretical features of separate science.
The seminar discussion (group discussion) is formed as process of dialogical communication of participants during which there is a forming of practical experience of joint participation in discussion and permission of theoretical and practical problems.
At a seminar discussion seniors learn to express precisely the thoughts in reports and performances, to actively argue the point of view, is reasoned to object, confute a wrong line item of the schoolmate. In such work the pupil has an opportunity of creation of own activities, as causes the high level of its intellectual and personal activity, an inclusiveness in process of educational knowledge.
Necessary condition of expansion of a productive discussion are personal knowledge which is acquired by pupils on the previous occupations, in the course of independent work. Success of a seminar discussion in many respects depends and from ability of the teacher to organize it. So, the seminar discussion may contain elements of "brainstorming" and business game.
In the first case participants aim to push as much as possible ideas, without criticizing them, and main are allocated then, possibilities of their proof or confutation are discussed and develop, estimated.
In other case the seminar discussion receives some kind of role "instrumentation" reflecting real line items of the people participating in scientific or other discussions. It is possible to enter, for example, roles of the leader, the opponent or the reviewer, the logician, the psychologist, the expert, etc., depending on what material is discussed and what didactic purposes are set by the teacher before seminar occupation. If the pupil is appointed to a role of the leading seminar discussion, he receives all powers of the teacher of the organization of a discussion: charges to someone from seniors to give the report on a seminar subject, directs the discussion course, watches argumentativeness of proofs or confutations, accuracy of use of concepts and terms, a correctness of the relations in the course of communication, etc.
Opponent or reviewer: reproduces the procedure of opposition adopted among researchers. It shall not only reproduce the main line item of the speaker, having shown thereby her understanding, to find weak spots or mistakes, but also to offer own version of the decision.
The logician reveals contradictions and logical mistakes in reasonings of the speaker or opponent, specifies determinations of concepts, analyzes the course of proofs and confutations, legitimacy of promotion of a hypothesis, etc.
The expert estimates productivity of all discussion, legitimacy of the made hypotheses and proposals, drawn conclusions expresses opinion on a contribution of this or that participant of a discussion to finding of the common decision, gives the characteristic of how there was a training of participants of a discussion, etc.
The teacher can enter any role line item into a discussion if it is justified by the purposes and content of a seminar. It is reasonable to enter not one, but two pair roles (two logicians, two experts) bigger number of students got the corresponding experience.
But the special role belongs, of course, to the teacher. He shall organize such preparatory work which will provide active participation in a discussion of each pupil. It determines a problem and separate subproblems which will be considered at a seminar; chooses the main and additional literature for speakers and speakers; distributes functions and forms of participation of students in collective work; trains pupils for a role of the opponent, logician; directs all work of a seminar; sums up the results of the taken place discussion.
During the seminar discussion the teacher asks questions, does separate notes, specifies basic provisions of the report of the pupil, fixes contradictions in reasonings.
On such occupations the trustworthy tone of communication with pupils, interest in the stated judgments, democratic character, adherence to principles in requirements is necessary. It is impossible to suppress the authority an initiative of pupils, it is necessary to create conditions to intellectual relaxedness, to use acceptances of overcoming barriers of communication, to realize, eventually, cooperation pedagogics.

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