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Practical methods of tutoring of biology

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Practical methods of tutoring of biology
Practical methods of tutoring cover very wide range of different types of activity of students. It is development of the plan, acquaintance with objects, judgment of tasks, practical work on its realization, registration of results, summing up the performed work, etc.
Practical methods are intimately bound with verbal and visual. When performing practical work the teacher opens an explanation of the purpose and a task, realization stages. Practical work can be presented to students as a problem which needs to be solved in the practical path. Therefore, they have to connect all kinds of activity: to remember the previous training material, illustrations, the teacher's explanations; to construct mentally the course of the work and to present results which can turn out; to perform practical work.
Practical methods of tutoring are applied in case new knowledge needs to be gained during the vigorous practical activities of students at the same time to connect reflection about the studied processes and the phenomena. Application of practical methods of tutoring gives the chance not only to acquire new educational knowledge, but also to develop practical skills which can be necessary for students in everyday life.
Observation, carrying out laboratory trials, practical works on definition and the description of objects, practical works with measuring apparatuses, in a corner of wildlife and on the school site belong to practical methods.
Observation as the process proceeding when using visual teaching methods of tutoring was considered widely in the previous paragraph. We will study types of observation which are applied as practical methods of tutoring.
Self-contained observations of students are widely applied in biology. They can be applied as at a lesson in the conditions of a class, however, some observations can continue indefinitely, so laying of experience can be carried out at a lesson, and further overseeing by him after hours in a wildlife corner. So, swelling and germination of seeds the teacher begins overseeing with laying of the experience at a lesson and as it occurs, students observe out of a lesson in a class. Self-contained observations of students in a corner of wildlife concentrate on the phenomena of life and development of plants and animals. Self-contained observations of the long-lived character are made under the leadership of the teacher. In this case the teacher forms the purpose, tasks, instructs students about their realization, and also checks results of observations. And students make herbariums, conduct care of plants and animals, loosen the soil, etc.
The big place is given to self-contained observations of students when holding excursions in the nature. Along with holding conversations and demonstration by the teacher of natural objects at an excursion the favorable conditions for the organization of observations of students in the nature are created.
Observations over seasonal natural phenomena, for example over the plants blossoming in the early spring over the autumn phenomena, namely, over distribution of seeds and fruits, over a leaf fall are of great interest.
At the organization of self-contained observations at an excursion in the nature the teacher gives concrete tasks to students. For example, it is possible to give the following tasks:
1. Find out what trees grow on this area.
2. What kind of bushes did you see?
3. What grassy plants grow under trees, bushes? In what state are they?
4. Collect leaves of different plants for a herbarium.
5. Determine an age of trees by annual growth rings on stubs. Write down.
At excursions during different seasons questions will be various.
After realization of tasks students briefly report in the observations, the teacher generalizes what was seen, draws short conclusions.
Self-contained observations are supplemented with various receptions which need to be applied creatively depending on a concrete situation. The observations made by students in the conditions of a class of a corner of wildlife, an excursion are interdependent among them and have to make uniform system. At the same time observations of students are bound to a statement the teacher of a training material, as well as to other methods of self-contained work of students. Self-contained observations promote not only mastering knowledge of fundamentals of science, but also development of observation, thinking, activity of students.
Laboratory works. They assume activity of all students even if tasks will be group or pair. When carrying out laboratory works students immediately work with the equipment, devices, fill "Workbooks", make out results. The majority of laboratory works is carried out according to the program and is well described in the textbook that facilitates training of students for its organization.
Let's give an example of laboratory work on the subject "Definition of Simples of the Area and Acquaintance with Methods of Their Collecting" of the 7th class.
In the beginning laboratory work the teacher leads a discussion about the simples growing in the area. Further the teacher sets a task: "Choose simples from all offered herbariums, consider them".
Students receive tasks.
1. Define simples from herbariums.
2. Sketch the selected simples in a notebook. Pay an attention to bodies of plants.
3. Define whether these simples grow in your area. Using scientific literature, find out methods of collecting and preparation of simples.
4. Write reports on various simples of your area.
On the basis of results which are received by students during laboratory work the generalizing discussion is led. Experiments can be made in comparison with control objects, thus, the teacher learns to compare, find the common and distinctive signs of the studied object. It is necessary to develop for experiences carefully the plan of work, considering possibilities of children, carrying out time, etc.
Unlike a lesson on a laboratory research poll of students is not held. However, in some cases, before laboratory work it is important to check the theoretical knowledge of students necessary for a comprehension of the observed phenomena during the occupations. Therefore short survey on theoretical questions, by the bound to the forthcoming observations and experiences is conducted. At the same time it is necessary to remember that on laboratory researches the principle of communication of the theory and practice is carried out.
Practical work. In a technique of teaching biology allocate three types of practical works: with a manipulative material, on leaving and cultivation of plants and animals, first aid.
It is better to carry out practical works in the search direction. In this case the teacher puts students in a role of scientists. So, in the 8th class it is offered to carry out practical work on a subject: "First-aid treatment at bleedings". For work the teacher prepares elastic rollers, the squeezing bandage, plaits, sticks for a turning, prime bandage, absorbable gelatin sponges, and 5% alcohol solution of iodine.
The course of this practical work is represented as follows:
1. Read in the text of the textbook (§ the 39th page 133) rules of an applying a tourniquet at arterial and severe venous bleeding, applying knowledge of a structure and functions of vascular system.
2. Impose a plate on a forearm of the companion for a stop of the conditional bleeding.
3. Write down in a notebook the sequence of an applying a tourniquet with an explanation of the actions.
This work is carried out under observation of the teacher, and students carry out it self-contained. The teacher can only direct observation of students, their actions and the train of thought.
Activities of students for care of plants and animals of an office, cultivation of plants on the school site are specific. In all these cases students carry out with the educational purposes labor operations under the immediate guide of the teacher. Educational work is applied to mastering ability to grow up plants, to look after animals. The transformation of objects observed in the course of work helps to understand their essential properties.
At cultivation of plants labor abilities develop from sequentially the used methods of preparation of the soil, loosening, application of fertilizers, crops, watering, weeding and an earthling up. Each reception needs to train, combining display with an explanation of its value for life and development of plants.

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