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Methodical receptions and their classification

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6. Methodical receptions and their classification
The question of methodical receptions is particularly acute enough during the present period. Many future elementary school teacher have no legible division of the concepts "method" and "methodical reception", in this regard we consider explicitly: What is methodical receptions? How to apply them in teaching and educational process of elementary school? What classifications of methodical receptions are acceptable now?
Methodical receptions are the elements of any method of tutoring applied for the purpose of strengthening of didactic opportunities of this method. At a lesson the teacher can use 4-5 methods, and methodical receptions there can be the whole system.
All methodical receptions can be classified by groups. The most successful classifications of methodical receptions were made by Verzilin N.M. and Korsunska V.M. They presented three groups of the methodical receptions which are in interrelation with particular methods of tutoring.
Organizational receptions help to organize the arbitraries attention of students to hearing or the studied object. The teacher needs to screen out objects for studying, to think over the plan to define the sequence of demonstration objects, to prepare tasks for practical or self-contained work.
Logical receptions are intimately bound to methods and are aimed at the development of ideational activity of students. The common signs for them are statement of a problem or cognitive task, selection of the main thing, definition of the basic concepts. A specific place in assimilation of knowledge is held by methods of comparison, comparison, definition and generalization.
Use at lessons of various inventories, visual tutorials belongs to techniques, and also by preparation and registration of results of practical works, filling of tables, implementation of drawings, preparation of devices, tools and inventories, realizations of tasks on a verbalization, etc.
In a conversation as a tutoring method, the following methodical methods are used: scheduling, answers according to the plan, the organization of students for hearing.
In the story are used as logical receptions (such as, statement of problematic issues, comparison and identification of the common and distinctive signs, generalization and conclusions), and also techniques (records in a notebook, on a board, filling of schemes and tables, finding of answers in the book, etc.).
Visual teaching methods can also include methodical receptions which strengthen their trial functions. So, in demonstration of experiences, educational movies, videos organizational receptions such as are attracted: methods of demonstration of objects from a table of the teacher, observation according to the plan, preparation of tasks for observations, etc. In a method of demonstration of tables, pictures, cards, drawings, schemes are acceptable logical receptions (statement of problematic issues, comparison and identification of the common and distinctive signs of objects, generalization and conclusions) and techniques (installation of demonstration objects for comparison, demonstration of the movie, repetition of a fragment, etc.).
In all practical methods organizational receptions (definition of tasks for laboratory and practical works, record of the plan of work in a notebook, work realization according to the plan, display to the teacher of results of work), logical receptions (statement of problematic issues, judgment of the forthcoming work, identification of signs of the studied objects, conclusions by results of work) and techniques are used (record of the plan of work, acquaintance with contents of the plan, selection of objects, a work partition on separate operations, records on the carried-out work).
Often at lessons of biology the teacher use working methods with the textbook. First, the textbook is well illustrated and at an explanation of a new subject the teacher can draw the attention of students to these drawings. Secondly, for fixing of the studied material it is possible to carry out self-contained work with the textbook, namely, with the text, illustrations, a nomenclature, the device of orientation and assimilation. Those students seized these receptions; the teacher has to work with the textbook systematically. It is necessary to create at students of ability to analyze the maintenance of read, to study illustrations, to find in the text of their characteristic, to retell paragraphs, and also reading the text.
Logical working methods with the text of the textbook include division of the text into the finished logical parts, finding of answers to questions, a table of contents of semantic parts.
Thus, methods and methodical receptions when teaching biology are intimately interdependent. In the course of tutoring the method is not applied one, and always supported and combined with methodical receptions. It is defined by logic of teaching and educational work where all structural parts are interdependent and represent uniform process. To each lesson methods and methodical receptions have to be screened out taking into account the maintenance of a subject, the purposes and problems of a lesson, and also age features of school students.

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