
Затем обязательно нужно привести References

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  • Затем обязательно нужно привести References

пример оформления References:


  1. Bakhtikireyeva U.M. Tvorcheskaya bilingvalnaya lichnost: Nacionalni russkoyazichni pisatel I osobennosti ego russkogo hudojestvennogo teksta [Creative bilingual personality: Ethnical Russophone writer and features of his Russian literary text] (Triad, Moscow, 2005, 190 p.) [in Russian] -the book

  2. Hirutsky A.A. Polonizmy v diskursivnom prostranstve perevoda romana G. Senkevicha “Krestonosci” na russky iazyk [Polonisms in the discursive space of the translation of the novel by

G. Senkevich “Crusaders” into Russian], Russki yazyk i literature [Russian language and literature], 2019, No. 6, P. 52-58 [in Russian] - Journal article

  1. Zhanpeisova N.M. Reprezentacya nacionalnyh konceptosfer v kartine mira kazahsko- russkih bilingvov: aftoreferat dis… doktora filologicheskih nauk [Representation of national concepto-spheres in the picture of the world of Kazakh-Russian bilinguals: abstract of Doctor of Philological Sciences thesis]. 02.10.19. Bashkir. State Un-ty. Ufa, 2006. P. 43. [in Russian] dissertation

  2. Priroda Kazahstana: udivitelnaya i raznoobraznaya. [The nature of Kazakhstan: amazing and diverse] 2017. Available at:https://www.miraterra.ru/priroda-

[in Russian] (accessed 12.14.2019). - Internet resources
Folker Hanusch, Tim P Vos. Charting the development of a field: A systematic review of comparative studies of journalism, International Communication Gazette. 2019. Vol. 82. No. 4. P. 319 - 341. - Journal article
6. Nurtazina K. Rycar' matematiki i informatiki [Knight of mathematics and computer science], Newspaper “Kaz. pravda”, No. 87. 19 April 2017. P. 7. [in Russian] –newspaper article

  • Затем обязательно нужно привести «сведения об авторах».

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