Научно-методический журнал Scientific and methodological journal 2009 жылдың қыркүйек айынан бастап шығады Издается с сентября 2009 года

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Assessing the modern prac-
tice of teaching foreign languages in 
higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan 
in non-linguistic universities, the following 
positive points can be noted: there has been a 
tendency to increase the number of hours and 
terms of study, the introduction of additional 
course preparation related to language skills. 
In particular, in D.Serikbayev EKSTU teaching 
foreign languages is considered as a compulsory 
and important component of professional 
training of engineering skills.
The analysis of the European experience 
of teaching foreign languages on the example 
of the German higher school made it possible 
to state the necessity of integrating language 
education and a chosen specialty (studien 
begleitende Fremd sprache naus bildung), 
training of specialists in certain fields of activity 
who will be ready to participate in the unified 
global linguistic space that is being created 
In determining the essence of professionally 
oriented foreign language teaching speci-
fic features of this discipline, which we-
re highlighted by I.Bim, I.Zimnyaya, 
S.Kunanbaeva, A.Kushnir, E.Passov, E.Polakh, 
V.Safonofa, J.M. Swales, L.Trimble were 
considered. The analysis of dissertational 
works on the issues of professionally oriented 
foreign language teaching of A.Balakhonov, 
M.Dubrovin, Yu.Zusman, A.Kartabayeva, 
S.Kasilina, C.Kitaeva, T.Kulnevich, Т.Kuchma, 
A.Iskakova, A.Zhaitapova and others allowed 
to specifying this concept as a specially 
organized process of targeting goals, content, 
forms, methods and means of training for the 
future specialty as well as developing students 
professional skills necessary for them to 
effectively perform various professional tasks 
using a FL [5, 9, 10]. 
Main body. In the course of experimental 
work, three stages were identified: ascertaining, 
shaping resulting (final). The work was 
conducted on the basis of D.Serikbaev EKSTU 
at Foreign Languages sub-department among 
the students of 2-3 years of the Geo Sciences 
Department in the groups of mining and 
metallurgical specialties: 5B070600 "Geology 
and Exploration of Mineral Deposits", 5B070700 
"Mining", 5B070900 "Metallurgy" , 5B090700 
Cadastre, 5B090300 Land Management, 
5B071100 Geodesy and Cartography” (14-
GDK-1, 14-GDK-1gd, 14-GDK-2md, 14-GT-1, 
14-GTK-1, 14-ZU-1, 14-KD-1, 14-KDK-1, 15- 
MT-1, 15-MTC-1, 15-MTC-2, 15-MTC-3)the 
total number of students is 220; 101 students in 
the experimental group and 95 are in the control 
group, 196 students in all.
I. Ascertaining stage of the experimental 
work. At the ascertaining stage experimental 
(EG) and control (CG) groups among the students 
of Geo Sciences department were picked out. 
The number of respondents in the experimental 
Table 1

№2, 2018
Педагогиканың және психологияның әдіснамасы мен теориясы/
Методология и теория педагогики и психологии /Methodology and theory of pedagogyand psychology
indices for the characteristics studied. In the 
process of FL teaching, it is necessary to take 
into account all the above-mentioned features 
and, on their basis, to orient purposefully the 
trajectory of FL teaching.
In CG and EG there were held the classes 
to determine the initial level of formation of 
profession-oriented linguistic competence 
through the following characteristics: profes-
sion-oriented reading, speaking, operating with 
methods of logical thinking. The classes were 
conducted on a profession-oriented topic, the 
text was given on a professional topic, case 
problems and test tasks were used.
The study of the initial level of demonstration 
of profession-oriented linguistic competence 
through the characteristics of “practice-oriented 
reading, speaking”, “mastering (operating) 
the methods of logical thinking when working 
with technical texts”, “performance of speech 
activity, discussions on professional topics” 
has determined that there were no significant 
differences among the respondents making 
up CG in comparison with the data of EG 
respondents. Thus, reading and speaking in 
EG and CG for each respondent in terms of the 
number of scores (marks), that were expressed 
as percentage in relation to the maximum 
number of scores to be obtained, was below 
50% and on the average amounted among all 
the respondents: reading in EG – 39.3%, in 
CG – 46.9%, speaking in EG – 36%, in CG – 
40.3%, i.e. corresponded to a very low level 
(A1) of survival, according to the evaluation list 
of the level of POLC formation compiled by us.
The assessment of formation of profession-
oriented linguistic competence through the 
characteristic of “mastering (operating) the 
methods of logical thinking” was conducted 
in the study groups and was 47.5% in EG and 
50.1% in CG, which is regarded as a very low 
level of survival (A1) and a low pre-threshold 
level (A2). It should be noted that reading 
indices in percentage terms in CG – by 7.6%, 
in speaking – by 4.3% and in operating with 
methods of logical thinking – by 2.6% are higher 
than in EG. According to the data obtained, it 
can be concluded that such characteristics of 
POLC as reading, speaking are determined at a 
very low level of survival – A1, and operating 
the methods of logical thinking – at a low level 
– A2 (pre-threshold). The data are shown in 
Table 2.
professionally oriented language competence, 
which allows significant increasing the 
students activity for this goal realization.
However, it should be emphasized that 
the level of motivation should be maintained 
throughout the entire cycle of the educational 
process at teaching FL. The percentage of 
students setting the goal to study FL for the 
formation of profession-oriented linguistic 
competence before preparative and informative 
sessions was 43.2% in CG (Control Group) 
and 41.9% in EG (Experimental Group), after 
the performance of these sessions there was 
a positive trend both as in CG – (61.2%) and 
so as in EG – (62.2%). At self-assessment 
of their knowledge of FL only 14.2% of 
respondents in CG and 15.2% of respondents 
in EG assessed their knowledge as good.
Our researches are consistent with the data 
on the formation and increase of motivation 
of the students, which were considered in 
the researches of Dontsov A.I., Lomov B.F., 
Petrovsky A.V., Sukhodolsky G.V. [1, 2, 3], etc.
To study personal characteristics of students, 
such as the efficiency and flexibility of thinking, 
Cattel’s questionnaire (16-factor personality 
questionnaire of Cattell) was used. High and 
average values obtained by B index indicate 
that the students in CG (58.9%) and in EG 
(57.4%) are intellectually developed, they 
can think abstractly and have a high ability 
to learn. E index in CG (85.1%) and in EG 
(81.1%) suggests that these students are ready 
to show self-sufficiency, independence, the 
ability to dominate. M index, where high and 
average values are (67.4%) in CG and (68.2%) 
in EG, indicates that these students have a rich 
imagination, the ability to operate with abstract 
concepts, they are focused on their inner world, 
however, those ones who have low indices for 
this parameter, as a rule, act correctly, they 
are practical and balanced. Sufficiently high 
N indices indicate that students are inclined to 
abstract thinking, the ability to transfer abstract 
concepts into practical solutions, they are able 
to find a way out of a difficult situation, and high 
Q indices characterize their high susceptibility 
to new things (radicalism). Along with this, it 
should be noted that some students have low 
The analysis showed that of respondents 
with a high level of preparedness and moti-
vation for FL learning was slightly larger in the 
control group than in the experimental group, 
the number of respondents with average and 
low levels was greater in the experimental 
group. The study of these indicators showed 
that the level of motivation and readiness 
for FL learning (the number of respondents 
with high and average level) was low in both 
groups and was 42.1% in CG and 40.6% in EG. 
Thus, the studied characteristics of 
"motivation" and "readiness" for learning a 
foreign language in CG and EG were close 
in meaning: the number of respondents with 
high and average levels of motivation – 
46.3 and 42.6% correspondingly; high and 
average levels of readiness – 42.1 and 40.6% 
correspondingly. Such low focus on the 
FL study in a non-linguistic university can 
be explained by the lack of awareness and 
underestimation of FL opportunities for their 
future professional activities by students.
After the preparatory-informative classes the 
studying of the level of the display of motivation 
and readiness for FL learning showed that the 
motivation for FL learning was increased both 
in the control and in the experimental groups. 
Comparison with the original motivation data 
showed that high and average levels went up 
by 7.3 and 5.3% correspondingly in the control 
group and the low level decreased by 12.6%. 
High and average levels increased by 9.9 and 
4.9% correspondingly in the experimental 
group and the low level decreased by 14.8%. 
the study of readiness level display the study 
showed that high and average levels increased 
by 8.5% and 6.2% correspondingly, and the low 
level decreased by 147 % in the control group. 
High and average levels increased by 13.8 
and 8.6% correspondingly in the experimental 
group and the low level decreased by 21.8%. 
The researches confirm the opinion and 
conclusions of other authors that purposeful 
educational and upbringing work in the group 
allows and positively influences the increase 
of personal features the level, in our case it is 
the motivation and readiness for professionally 
oriented FL learning and the shaping of 

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