№2, 2018
Педагогиканың және психологияның әдіснамасы мен теориясы/
Методология и теория педагогики и психологии /Methodology and theory of pedagogyand psychology
the purpose of formation of profession-oriented
linguistic competence there were used the
verbal and dialectical, case-study (based on
the developed electronic textbook) methods of
education and the technique of the term-concept
work, which in their characteristics correspond
to interactive methods of education.
I. The use of a verbal and dialectical
method of learning in the process of teaching
a foreign language in a technical college. The
essence of the verbal and dialectical method of
education consists in combining the educational
process with logical cognition, bringing it to the
ultimate (philosophical) stage of generalization
through the dialectics of ideas, attitudes and
of educational work, which in its turn
facilitates the transformation of consciousness,
society and nature [7, 8].
II. The use of the term-conceptual method
of work in the process of teaching a foreign
language in a technical college.
The following methods and didactic teaching
aids of profession-oriented foreign language
were developed and applied:
а) the methods of teaching of profession-
oriented foreign language reading of students
of technical colleges, which include the main
teaching aids for profession-oriented reading
in a technical college and a set of exercises for
teaching of profession-oriented reading with
the features of the scientific and technical text
as an object of learning of profession-oriented
b) the methods of forming the dialogue
competence of technical college students in the
framework of
profession-oriented education,
describing the conceptual foundations of the
methods for creating a dialogue competence and
including a system of interactive communicative
tasks in the context of profession-oriented
с) the methods of teaching of written speech
activity in profession-oriented teaching of
foreign languages, in which writing is regarded
as a productive speech activity. These methods
include learning and teaching techniques and
tasks used in teaching of written speech and the
algorithm for teaching scientific written speech
on the basis of a scientific-experimental article
d) the textbook of methods on verbal-
dialectical method of FL teaching of «Profession-
Oriented English Language for special purposes
(for mining and metallurgical specialities)»
(English for special purposes (for students of
mining) was compiled in accordance with the
requirements of Standard Academic Program
on the discipline of «Profession-Oriented
Foreign Language», developed in leading
higher education institutes of the Republic of
Kazakhstan (the
Kazakh National Technical
University named after Satpaev K., Karaganda
State Technical University, Karaganda State
Industrial University, Kazakh National Agrarian
University). The content of the textbook is
adapted to the educational process, taking into
account the specific character of teaching in a
technical college. The purpose of the textbook
is to organize activities to form profession-
oriented language competence among future
engineering specialists by introducing a verbal-
logical (dialectical) method of education into
the process of foreign language studying;
e) individual-educational test questionnaires
– «Feedback Questionnaire» was created to
collect problematic questions and answers to
them for organizing control and evaluation of
out-of-class work of students when performing
tasks on a profession-oriented topic implemented
during profession-oriented English language
f) the program for the computer (electronic
textbook) «English for Special Purposes»
for students of mining» –
the content of this
program includes profession-oriented test tasks
in English, designed for independent work and
control of knowledge of students of mining and
metallurgical specialties;
g) distance courses for mining and metal-
lurgical specialties in the discipline of «Profes-
sion-Oriented Foreign Language», intended
for remote and independent forms of work:
the distance course of «Profession-Oriented
Foreign Language for Students of Mining and
Metallurgical Specialties. English language
and the distance course «Profession-Oriented
Foreign Language for the Specialty of «Mining».
German language;
with profession-oriented topics, including pro-
fessional concepts, which, according to the time
of study and the content (course schedule), are
consistent with the work programs of special
disciplines, contributes to the formation of
On the basis of the documents regulating
the need for profession-oriented FL teaching
and the content of education, researches of
scientific and educational literature and our
own observations during selection of the
of educational material, we have
identified the following requirements: a set
of topics, profession-oriented texts and case
problems (POCP); texts with the complete
information necessary for solution of POCP
on the topic of the text; texts with incomplete
information, which allows to solve POCP on
the topic of the text, but this information was
given earlier – the students need to remember
the material studied, to refer repeatedly to the
previously studied topic; texts with incomplete
information to solve POCP, which was not
previously given; this encourages students to
independently search for information to solve
the problem; texts containing a problem with
a possible
alternative solution of it, stimulate
the students to discuss this problem; increasing
the informative capacity of the content of the
material while maintaining its availability
and objectivity, i.e. the correspondence of the
students’ qualification (ability) to work with the
submitted material; texts orientation and POCP
on mastering the leading concepts, skills of
analytico-synthetic work with them; orientation
of the content of the material on the development
of speech and thinking activity, clinical thinking
and the formation of POLC; the availability of
prerequisites in the educational material for the
development of criticality, creative thinking, i.e.,
the resolution of the contradictions of the object
under study; the conformity of the educational
material with the achievements of the technical
science and the requirements of the S t a t e
Compulsory Educational Standard; the use of
multimedia tools.
In accordance with the selected conditions,
principles and criteria of FL profession-oriented
teaching of students of a technical college with
One of the components of orientation of stu-
dents on profession-oriented FL learning is the
selection of the content of educational material,
its enrichment
with professional knowledge
through interdisciplinary links and coordination
of FL educational program with programs on
special disciplines.
Integration with main disciplines in order
to obtain additional knowledge and the for-
mation of professionally significant personal
characteristics requires a new approach to the
selection of content. It is appropriate to consider
the content of foreign language teaching as an
aggregate of what learners should learn in the
process of studying, so that the quality and level
of foreign language knowledge are consistent
with their needs and goals, as well as the purposes
and objectives of professional education. The
selection of the content is intended to contribute
to the variegated and integral formation of the
student’s personality, preparation for the future
professional activity [4, 5, 6].
In order to improve coordination and
integration of educational activities there were
studied academic programs of main disciplines
in the fields of «Geology and Minerals
«Cadastre», «Land Management», «Geodesy
and Cartography», which students study du-
ring the Ist–IVth semesters, and accordingly
the correction is carried out with them, that
is enrichment
with professional knowledge,
concepts of educational materials (texts,
tests, tasks) and their use in profession-
oriented teaching of a foreign language. Such
coordination of studying the topics in special
disciplines with FL educational program
implements the condition in which the special
technical terminology and technical knowledge,
obtained in main disciplines, orient the students
to study the material associated with their future
profession. The use of case problems, terms
and concepts corresponding to the topics of
special disciplines, increases the motivation for
the formation of profession-oriented language
competence, contributes to revision of the
acquired professional knowledge. Enrichment
of work program of the academic discipline
«Profession-Oriented Foreign Language»